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New textbook on rural geography with participation of the Thünen Institute

A new German textbook on rural geography has been published. Five scientists of the Thünen Institute have contributed to it.

The picture displays the cover of the textbook.
© Brill | Schöningh und utb

“In the German-speaking countries, such a textbook is a novelty. A number of experts in rural studies from Germany and Austria willingly made their knowledge available and prepared it didactically for students,” says Dr. Annett Steinführer, co-editor and social scientist at the Thünen Institute of Rural Studies, who is proud of this result of collaborative work. The noticeably grown interest in rural areas by politicians, journalists and society as a whole in recent years has increasingly demonstrated the need for an up-to-date textbook, she says.

Altogether 35 authors contributed to the edited volume. In eight chapters, they deal with theoretical approaches, types and typologies of rural areas, questions of land use and landscape change, rural regions as social and economic areas as well as issues of rural planning. Numerous figures and tables illustrate the texts and visualise current development trends.

The textbook is part of the prestigious series “Angewandte Geographie (Applied Geography)” and was published as utb-Taschenbuch.


Reference (German):

Grabski-Kieron, Ulrike; Kordel, Stefan; Krajewski, Christian; Mose, Ingo; Steinführer, Annett (Eds.) (2024): Geographie ländlicher Räume. Paderborn: Brill | Schöningh, 464 pp.


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