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Our activities in the Thünen topic “Society´s expectations” have two directions:

  • Theoretical and methodological foundations: The expectations of the population regarding the agricultural sector or the development of rural areas can hardly be deduced from analyses of purchasing behavior or from simple opinion surveys. We develop concepts for a more in-depth analysis in order to be able to identify promising policy options.

  • Expectations regarding the future of industries and rural areas: For specific problems in agriculture, forestry, fisheries and rural areas, we investigate how the population perceives the current situation and which goals are prefered.


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The forest as a multi-talent: Valuing different ecosystem services

Forests provide a variety of ecosystem services - they produce raw wood, protect nature and the environment, sequester carbon, and serve recreation. With an environmental economic valuation model, we can map the demand for all these services in their ...

Die Zeichnung zeigt drei verschiedenen Personen als Platzhalter für Verbraucher, Landwirte und Einzelhandel und ihre Vorstellungen
Society's view of farm animal husbandry

What does today’s population criticise in modern livestock production? What expectations do they have? Detailed knowledge is necessary if we want to develop socially acceptable solutions.

Ein Einkaufswagen steht in einer Supermarktregalreihe, im Hintergrund verschwommen eine Person
Methods of consumer and social research

What motivates consumers to make their purchasing decisions? What opinions and preferences an what knowledge do they have? To find out, social science surveys are indispensable.

Ein Fragebogen mit einem Stift
Standardised interview

Surveys are considered the best way of social research. They can be conducted online, by letter, on the phone or in direct personal contact.

Ein moosbewachsener Baumstumpf im Wald
What the forests are worth to us

Forests are suppliers of raw materials, habitats for animals and plants, climate protectors and recreation sites. As diverse as their ecosystem services are, so are the demands of society on Germany's forests. The economic valuation of forest ...

Komplizierte Gleichungen stehen durcheinander auf weißem Hintergrund
Choice Experiments

Choice Experiments can be used to determine how much a certain good is worth to people and how the individual properties of this good influence this value. This works just as well for products that are traded on markets as for environmental goods for ...

Geldstücke liegen gestapelt auf Erde
Contingent Valuation

The Contingent Valuation Method is one of several ways to determine consumers' preferences and willingness to pay for products and certain product features.

Einige Personen sitzen um einen Tisch mit farbigen Karten und einem Laptop auf dem Tisch, im Hintergrund Logos von Nachhaltigkeitszertifikaten
Group discussion

The group discussion is a qualitative survey method. Under the guidance of a moderator, several people who usually do not know each other discuss a specific topic.

Eine Grafik zum Thema Social Lab I, Personen mit verschiedenen Tätigkeiten
Future workshop

Future workshops have already proven successful in many policy areas. Especially when different interest groups are to be involved in innovative developments on socially relevant issues.


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