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Institute of

OF Baltic Sea Fisheries

Ongoing projects • Fisheries- and survey technology

OTC-Smart Fishing - Sensorsystem für smarte Fischernetze

OTC-smartFishing entwickelt die Grundlagen für ein robustes Unterwasser- Kamerasystems mit KI-gestützter Bilderkennung für den Einsatz in der kommerziellen Fischerei und der Fischereiforschung. Damit wird es mittelfristig möglich zielgenau Meeresorganismen zu fangen - in der Fischerei und Fischerei-/Meeresforschung. Darüber hinaus ermöglicht dieses System eine ressourcenschonende, minimal-invasive Untersuchung der Fischfauna als Grundlage für eine nachhaltige Bewirtschaftung der Meere. Das Projekt ist Teil des Clusterprojekts des Ocean Technology Campus Rostock.

OTC-Smart Fishing - Sensorsystem für smarte Fischernetze

Improving selectivity of trawls

Development of improved fishing methods, by means of increased gear selectivity.

Improving selectivity of trawls

HyFiVe - Hydrography on Fishing Vessels

In cooperation with the Leibnitz Institute for Baltic Sea Research and Hensel Elektronik GmbH, we are working on the development of an innovative system for use on fishing vessels for the autonomous acquisition, transmission and evaluation of hydrographic measurement data for interdisciplinary research.

HyFiVe - Hydrography on Fishing Vessels


Wie können Beifänge von Meeressäugetieren und Seevögeln vermieden werden? Diese Frage soll im Rahmen eines vom Bundesamt für Naturschutz finanzierten Forschungsprojekts des Thünen-Instituts für Ostseefischerei in Zusammenarbeit mit dem NABU beantwortet werden.


Finished projects • Fisheries- and survey technology

Using acoustically visible gillnets to reduce bycatch of harbor porpoises

To reduce bycatch of harbor porpoises in gillnets, an „acoustically visible“ gillnet (“pearl net”) was developed. Within this projects, the behavioral reactions of harbor porpoises to the modified gillnet will be evaluated.

Using acoustically visible gillnets to reduce bycatch of harbor porpoises

SimuNet - A tool for fishing gear optimisation

For the development of innovative and sustainable fishing gear, we are working together with the University of Rostock on a software tool to simulate the hydrodynamics and deformation of nets.

SimuNet - A tool for fishing gear optimisation

Optimised brown shrimp fishery (CRANNET)

Optimsation of the selectivity and reduction of by-catches are in the focus of this project.

Optimised brown shrimp fishery (CRANNET)

Pulse trawl for shrimp fishery

Our project evaluates the usability of a pulse-beamtrawl in the brown shrimp fishery and its effect on bycatch, catch fo shrimp and the economy of this fishery.

Pulse trawl for shrimp fishery

Reduction of plastic waste from the brown shrimp fishery through gear modifications (DRopS)

Um das Durchscheuern der Unterblätter von Baumkurrennetzen am Meeresboden zu verringern, werden dort häufig Polyethylenseile angebracht. Diese so genannten Dolly Ropes werden nach kürzester Zeit auf See als Plastikmüll freigesetzt.

Reduction of plastic waste from the brown shrimp fishery through gear modifications (DRopS)

MiniSeine – a small Danish seine for German coastal fishing

We are trying to reduce the environmental impact of fishing gear - including the impact of towed gear on the seabed. The Danish seine is ideal for this, as it also saves fuel and makes the catch inaccessible to grey seals. However, this device must be miniaturised for use on small coastal fishing vessels - we are developing and testing such a MiniSeine in this project together with the fishery.

MiniSeine – a small Danish seine for German coastal fishing

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