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Institute of

HF Wood Research

Wood cells under Dinosaurs

The Thünen Institute of Wood Research has founded microscopic images for sale to benefit the “Senckenberg Förderverein”.

© Andrea Olbrich

In the festive framework of the charity gala "Senckenberg Night 2022", the awarding of Prof. Alexandre Antonelli for the “Senckenberg Prize for Nature Research” and Kristin McDivitt Tompkins in the category “Commitment to Nature” took place. The 12th Senckenberg Night focused on "The World of Forests". Under the skeletons of dinosaurs in the large exhibition room of the Senckenberg Museum Frankfurt, Politics, society, business and science came into dialogue.

As part of the event, the Thünen Institute of Wood Research exhibited microscopic images and provided information on wood species identification aiming at protection of forests. The micrographs were sold for the benefit of the “Senckenberg Förderverein”.


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