The Federation of German fisheries Administrators and Fisheries Scientists (VdFF) awarded a development prize for Simon Weltersbach. Stefanie Haase won the “best poster” award.
The International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) has published its management advice for the commercially exploited marine fish stocks of the Baltic Sea today. From a German fisheries point of view, the pelagic stocks (herring and sprat) and flatfishes (mainly plaice and flounder) are…
Lots of interest in fresh fish display, recreational fishing and potential effects of the Major Baltic Inflow of saline water on commercially exploited fish.
On Dec 8th, 2014, “Fischbestände online” received the GdF-Thünen prize in the category “best target audience specific work”. The prize is offered biennially and was assigned in this category for the first time this year.