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Impulse lecture on return migration of workers

At the invitation of the Lower Saxony Ministry of Federal and European Affairs and Regional Development, Jan Cornelius Peters presented research results on the return migration of workers.

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Return initiatives were the topic of an event on 22.9.2023 as part of the online event series stadt | land | fokus of the Lower Saxony Ministry for Federal and European Affairs and Regional Development. Jan Cornelius Peters was invited to give an impulse lecture. He presented selected research results on the topic of return migration of workers from the project "The spatial mobility of labour over working life - Analyses for rural areas in Germany" (MobiLä).

A video of the event can be found at The presentation by Jan Cornelius Peters begins at minute 5:40.

The primary basis of Jan Cornelius Peters' presentation was selected results from Thünen Working Paper 144.


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