We are looking for creative thinkers and experienced people in developing new business models. You can find more details here and you can register for a workshop. The project is funded by the INTERREG
TRADE4SD (Fostering the positive linkages between trade and sustainable development) is an EU funded within HORIZON 2020 and running from June 2021 until May 2025. Trade policy has an especially impor
The annual conference in the jubilee year 2019 and lecture event of the GKB e.V. will take place on 21.02.2019 at the Thünen Institute in Braunschweig and is under the motto "Focus on the ground - 20
Topics of the meeting are crop cultivation, agricultural engineering and new trends in agriculture. Each topic will be accompanied by a keynote speech from a well-known expert in the respective field.
Über einen Zeitraum von zwei Jahren wurde der Einfluss passiver Erwärmung durch „ Open Top Chamber “ ( OTC ) auf Treibhausgasaustausch und Vegetationsentwicklung auf einer naturnahen Hochmoorfläche un
The survey involves questions of data collection in the farm and the data flow to business partners and authorities. The aim of the Zukunftslabor Agrar is to show how data flow can be facilitated thro
Ein nachhaltiger Umgang mit Wasser in der Landwirtschaft ist Voraussetzung, um auch unter zukünftigen Klimabedingungen die Erzeugung von Nahrungsmitteln für die menschliche Ernährung zu sichern. Im Ra
In ihrer Arbeit hat sich die Biologin Dr. Stefanie Haase mit zusammenhängenden Mustern des Wanderverhaltens und der Otolithenbildung von Dorsch ( Gadus morhua ) in der südlichen Ostsee beschäftigt („I
Lauritz Schrader studied forestry at the Technical University of Dresden and became a research associate at the Institute of Forest Botany after his studies. During the whole time he was mainly active