Publications as an employee of Thuenen-Institute 0 Wysujack K, Marohn L, Lindemann C, Illing B, Freese M, Pohlmann J-D, Reiser S, Debes PV, Meskendahl L, Pelster B, Hanel R (2022) A novel hyperbaric s
Publications as an employee of Thuenen-Institute 0 Wysujack K, Marohn L, Lindemann C, Illing B, Freese M, Pohlmann J-D, Reiser S, Debes PV, Meskendahl L, Pelster B, Hanel R (2022) A novel hyperbaric s
Thuenen related publications 0 Hoey G van, Eigaard OR, Kooten T van, Denderen D van, Bastardie F, Beauchard O, Bennecke S, Bernard G, Bolam S, Boulcott P, Burgos JM, Canals Artigas M, Coleman P, Colom
Thuenen related publications 0 Aust M-O, Nogueira P (2022) 2.5.5 Fische und Produkte des Meeres und der Binnengewässer. In: Umweltradioaktivität und Strahlenbelastung : Jahresbericht 2019. Bonn: Bunde
additional publications 0 Möllmann C, Diekmann R (2012) Marine ecosystem regime shifts induced by climate and overfishing: a review for the Northern Hemisphere. Adv Ecol Res 47:303-347, DOI:10.1016/B9
additional publications 0 Vrba T, Nogueira P, Broggio D, Caldeira M, Capello K, Fantinova K, Figueira C, Hunt J, Leone D, Murugan M, Marzocchi O, Moraleda M, Shutt A, Suhl S, Takahashi M, Tyminska K,
Publications as an employee of Thünen-Institute