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Publikationliste von Sebastian Hagel

  1. 0

    Hagel S, Schütt F (2024) Reinforcement fiber production from wheat straw for wastepaper-based packaging using steam refining with sodium carbonate. Clean Technol 6(1):322-338, DOI:10.3390/cleantechnol6010016


  2. 1

    Hagel S, Schütt F (2023) Production of reinforcement fibers for packaging papers by sodium carbonate pulping of wheat straw. In: Conference proceedings : Vol. I, oral presentations ; 21st International Symposium on Wood, Fiber and Pulping Chemistry (ISWFPC 2023), Venice, Italy, 4th - 7th July 2023. pp 62-65

  3. 2

    Schütt F, Hagel S, Steffen F, Westermann K (2022) Straw-based reinforcing fibers for recovered paper based packaging papers : Posterbeitrag am 27.06.2022 auf der "ZELLCHEMING Conference Cellulose Based Materials - From Science to Technology". 1 p

  4. 3

    Hagel S (2015) Strukturelle Veränderungen in der finnischen Zellstoff- und Papierindustrie sowie Entwicklungsperspektiven. Hamburg, 58 p, Hamburg, Univ, Fachbereich Biologie, Bachelorarbeit, 2015

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