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Institut für

OL Ökologischen Landbau


New in 2019: Landbauforschung - Journal of Sustainable and Organic Agricultural Systems

Our journal 'Landbauforschung' opens 2019 a new focus and an innovative format.

Our journal 'Landbauforschung' opens 2019 a new focus and an innovative format.

It bears the new subtitle ‘Journal of Sustainable and Organic Agricultural Systems’ and will be published by the Thünen Institute of Organic Farming in Trenthorst, Germany.

Within this journal we would like to publish (a) international research results and (b) discussion papers and science-based pamphlets on new/maybe disruptive developments towards sustainable agricultural systems. We kindly ask you for corresponding contributions. Of special interest is the further development of agricultural systems including organic farming systems to generally fulfil the sustainable development goals of the United Nations’ Agenda 2030.

Interdisciplinary contributions, approaches and perspectives from all scientific disciplines are needed and welcome to cover the broad scope of the journal. Each issue addresses a previously-announced special topic. Original scientific research results, reviews and above mentioned discussion papers may be submitted.

The first issue in 2019 has the topic Exploration and mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions in ruminant and grassland systems and we ask you for contributions until 30.04.2019. Guest editor: Dr. Claudia Heidecke (Staff Unit Cimate Protection at the Thünen Institute).
We would be glad if you help us to make this issue and the journal a success.

You will find the instructions for authors on: www.landbauforschung.net

You can send submissions to: landbauforschung@thuenen.de


The journal is published in English. Discussion papers may be written in English or German. Submissions are subject to a double-blind peer review. We also aim at publishing review processes and opinions in agreement with the authors. Landbauforschung is indexed in: CAB International, Science Citation Index Expanded, Current Contents – Agriculture, Biology & Environmental Sciences, Scopus, Web of Science and currently has an impact factor of 0.5 (JCR 2017).


  • <link file:23985 download herunterladen der datei>Instructions for authors
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