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Institute of

AK Climate-Smart Agriculture

Acquisition and development of methods, activity data and emission factors for the climate reporting under LULUCF/AFOLU

Drained peatlands account for 2-5% of the total German greenhouse gas emissions. Thus, they are the largest single source besides the energy sector and need to be reported in the national greenhouse gas inventories with country-specific emission factors depending on climate region, soil type and land use as well as with a complete set of activity data (e.g. management, soil type or groundwater level).  Currently, this is not yet possible as emission factors for a number of important land use and soil types are missing. Furthermore, there is no area specific data on land use and hydrology.

Thus, the Thünen Institute funds a large joint research project (2009-2012), which is coordinated by Dr. Matthias Drösler (Hochschule Weihenstephan-Triesdorf).

Duration: 3.2009 - 12.2012

Project status: finished


Results of the joint research project have been published by the project partners:



  1. 0

    Tiemeyer B, Freibauer A, Albiac-Borraz E, Augustin J, Bechtold M, Beetz S, Beyer C, Ebli M, Eickenscheidt T, Fiedler S, Förster C, Gensior A, Giebels M, Glatzel S, Heinichen J, Hoffmann M, Höper H, Jurasinski G, Laggner A, Leiber-Sauheitl K, et al (2020) A new methodology for organic soils in national greenhouse gas inventories: Data synthesis, derivation and application. Ecol Indic 109:105838, DOI:10.1016/j.ecolind.2019.105838

  2. 1

    Frank S, Tiemeyer B, Bechtold M, Lücke A, Bol R (2017) Effect of past peat cultivation practices on present dynamics of dissolved organic carbon. Sci Total Environ 574:1243-1253, DOI:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2016.07.121

  3. 2

    Tiemeyer B, Pfaffner N, Frank S, Kaiser K, Fiedler S (2017) Pore water velocity and ionic strength effects on DOC release from peat-sand mixtures: results from laboratory and field experiments. Geoderma 296:86-97, DOI:10.1016/j.geoderma.2017.02.024

  4. 3

    Dettmann U, Bechtold M (2016) Deriving effective soil water retention characteristics from shallow water table fluctuations in peatlands. Vadose Zone J 15(10):1-13, DOI:10.2136/vzj2016.04.0029

  5. 4

    Tiemeyer B, Albiac-Borraz E, Augustin J, Bechtold M, Beetz S, Beyer C, Drösler M, Ebli M, Eickenscheidt T, Fiedler S, Förster C, Freibauer A, Giebels M, Glatzel S, Heinichen J, Hoffmann M, Höper H, Jurasinski G, Leiber-Sauheitl K, Peichl-Brak M, et al (2016) High emissions of greenhouse gases from grasslands on peat and other organic soils. Global Change Biol 22:4134-4149, DOI:10.1111/gcb.13303

  6. 5

    Altdorff D, Bechtold M, Kruk J van der, Vereecken H, Huisman JA (2016) Mapping peat layer properties with multi-coil offset electromagnetic induction and laser scanning elevation data. Geoderma 261:178-189, DOI:10.1016/j.geoderma.2015.07.015

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    Dettmann U, Bechtold M (2016) One-dimensional expression to calculate specific yield for shallow groundwater systems with microrelief. Hydrol Process 30(2):334-340, DOI:10.1002/hyp.10637

  8. 7

    Leiber-Sauheitl K, Fuß R, Burkart S, Buegger F, Dänicke S, Meyer U, Petzke KJ, Freibauer A (2015) Sheep excreta cause no positive priming of peat-derived CO2 and N2O emissions. Soil Biol Biochem 88:282-293, DOI:10.1016/j.soilbio.2015.06.001

  9. 8

    Leiber-Sauheitl K, Fuß R, Voigt C, Freibauer A (2014) High CO2 fluxes from grassland on histic Gleysol along soil carbon and drainage gradients. Biogeosciences 11(3):749–761, DOI:10.5194/bg-11-749-2014

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    Frank S, Tiemeyer B, Gelbrecht J, Freibauer A (2014) High soil solution carbon and nitrogen concentrations in a drained Atlantic bog are reduced to natural levels by 10 years of rewetting. Biogeosciences 11:2309-2324, DOI:10.5194/bg-11-2309-2014

  11. 10

    Bechtold M, Tiemeyer B, Laggner A, Leppelt T, Frahm E, Belting S (2014) Large-scale regionalization of water table depth in peatlands optimized for greenhouse gas emission upscaling. Hydrol Earth Syst Sci 18(9):3319-3339, DOI:10.5194/hess-18-3319-2014

  12. 11

    Tiemeyer B, Kahle P (2014) Nitrogen and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) losses from an artificially drained grassland on organic soils. Biogeosciences 11:4123-4137, DOI:10.5194/bg-11-4123-2014

  13. 12

    Leppelt T, Dechow R, Gebbert S, Freibauer A, Lohila A, Augustin J, Drösler M, Fiedler S, Glatzel S, Höper H, Järsveoja J, Laerke PE, Maljanen M, Mander Ü, Mäkiranta P, Minkkinen K, Ojanen P, Regina K, Strömgren M (2014) Nitrous oxide emission budgets and land-use-driven hotspots for organic soils in Europe. Biogeosciences 11:6595-6612, DOI:10.5194/bg-11-6595-2014

  14. 13

    Dettmann U, Bechtold M, Frahm E, Tiemeyer B (2014) On the applicability of unimodal and bimodal van Genuchten–Mualem based models to peat and other organic soils under evaporation conditions. J Hydrol 515:103-115

  15. 14

    Tiemeyer B, Freibauer A, Drösler M, Albiac-Borraz E, Augustin J, Bechtold M, Beetz S, Belting S, Bernrieder M, Beyer C, Eberl J, Eickenscheidt T, Fell H, Fiedler S, Förster C, Frahm E, Frank S, Laggner A, Leiber-Sauheitl K, Röhling S, et al (2013) Klimarelevanz von Mooren und Anmooren in Deutschland: Ergebnisse aus dem Verbundprojekt "Organische Böden in der Emissionsberichterstattung". Braunschweig: Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, 18 p, Thünen Working Paper 15, DOI:10.3220/WP_15_2013

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    Leppelt T, Dechow R, Gebbert S, Freibauer A (2013) Modelling nitrous oxide emissions from organic soils in Europe. Geophys Res Abstr 15:7421

  17. 16

    Frank S, Tiemeyer B, Freibauer A (2012) Dissolved organic carbon concentrations in bogs under grassland in Northern Germany along gradients in soil organic matter and groundwater depth. In: The 14th International Peat Congress : Peatlands in Balance ; Stockholm, Sweden June 3-8, 2012. Uppsala: SLU, p 232 ff

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