Academic thesis (B.Sc., M.Sc., PhD) Vocational education

The Thünen Institute offers students the opportunity to write a bachelor's, master's or doctoral thesis, which they can use for their academic degree or doctorate at a university. Numerous scientists in the Thünen Institutes are closely linked to various universities through teaching assignments, non-scheduled or honorary professorships or through joint appointments.
In recent years, between 15 and 25 doctoral theses and 30 to 55 Bachelor's and Master's theses were regularly completed at the Thünen Institute.
Students who are interested in writing a thesis at the Thünen Institute are best advised to look at the websites of our institutes that suit their subject and inclination. Often there is also the opportunity to get to know an institute better as a student assistant. Please contact the institute or the respective contact person by email.
The Institutes of Forest Genetics and Organic Agriculture are particularly active in vocational education and training. They offer apprenticeships as gardeners and biological laboratory assistants or as farmers and mechatronics technicians.
We welcome you at the Thünen Institute!