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WI Institute of Rural Economics


Invitation to the Academy of Management and Organization Science Workshop

After successful application, Thünen Institute presented and discussed its research results at the international research workshop.

Dr. Ann Hipp
© Thünen-Institut/Heidrun Fornahl

Dr. Ann Hipp

On September 21st, 2023, the TIM Division (Technology and Innovation Management) of the Academy of Management and the highly regarded journal Organization Science organized a virtual research workshop. Ann Hipp attended the workshop and presented her joint research project on inventor mobility with Paul Hünermund (Copenhagen Business School). Based on the case of German reunification, the authors show that only a fraction of inventors from the former GDR continued to patent after this regime change, a quarter of them in West Germany and especially in urban regions. The decisive factor for continued patenting was that the inventors had previously been at the technological frontier and in communities with deviating attitudes toward the former regime. After an introduction to current publication topics, an intensive mentoring program was offered to young scholars to further develop and publish their projects.

Contact: Dr. Ann Hipp

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