IEA Bioenergy Task 34
Monitoring of the development of pyrolysis technologies for biomass utilization
IEA Bioenergy Task 34 (pyrolysis) consists of experts from 6 countries (USA, UK, DE, NL, FI, SE) aimed at facilitating commercialisation of biomass pyrolysis for production of fuels by contributing to the resolution of critical technical areas and disseminating relevant information particularly to industry and policy makers.
Background and Objective
Activities in the working group are financed by FNR and address consultancy of politicians and technicians involved in biomass pyrolysis. The work is aimed at facilitating commercialization of pyrolysis processes, especially the use of bio-oil as substitute for heating oil or, after upgrading, its use for transportation fuel.
The work or the expert group comprises exchange of information. We write country reports, update our PyNE-website, organize and perform round robin testings for harmonization of analytical methods, we are involved in the development of standards (CEN, ASTM), we write techno-economic assessment reports and cooperate with other Task groups.
Results are published in journals and conferences and documented on the website.
Links and Downloads

Involved Thünen-Partners
Funding Body
Fachagentur Nachwachsende Rohstoffe e.V. (FNR)
(national, öffentlich)