
Small Forests - Big Players: Valorising small scale forestry for a bio-based economy
Background and Objective
Due to ongoing social changes in European society a considerable shift of orientation and attitudes of forest owners can be observed, leading to extensive consequences for forest management and timber provision. In addition, structure and forest area of small forest companies as well as legal regulations and incentive measures vary among European states.
The project is aimed at assessing the contribution of small forest owners to a wood-based bioeconomy in studying their specific management strategies.
Within the project different management stratgies are elaborated and used for evaluating their effects on wood supply, various ecosystem services and the adaptive capacity of forests to climate change. This concept allows novel insights in the relationships between environment and management of small forests, and quantify their contribution to biobased economy. Simultaneously, the limits for small forest management will be defined and measures for an increase of management activity developed.

Involved Thünen-Partners
- Bender, SusannWO Institute of Forest Ecosystems
- Bender, SusannWO Institute of Forest Ecosystems
- Dunger, Karsten WO Institute of Forest Ecosystems
- Kuhlmey, KatharinaWO Institute of Forest Ecosystems
- Peters, MarioWF Institute of Forestry
- Rosenkranz, LydiaWF Institute of Forestry
- Seintsch, Björn WF Institute of Forestry
- Weis, SusanneWF Institute of Forestry
Funding Body
Fachagentur Nachwachsende Rohstoffe e.V. (FNR)
(national, öffentlich)
2.2019 - 9.2022
List of Publications
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Rosenkranz L, Peters MJ, Seintsch B, Dieter M (2024) Application of the typical enterprise approach in forestry: a pilot study to collect economic key figures in small-scale private forest enterprises. In: Forests & society towards 2050 : 26th IUFRO World Congress, Stockholm, Sweden, 23-29 June 2024 ; Book of abstracts. p 3062
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Bolte A, Kuhlmey K, Schad T, Rosenkranz L, Peters MJ, Seintsch B (2023) Förderung von Kleinprivatwäldern in Europa braucht eine klarere Zielbestimmung. Eberswalde; Hamburg: Thünen-Institut für Waldökosysteme; Thünen-Institut für Waldwirtschaft, 2 p, Project Brief Thünen Inst 2023/40, DOI:10.3220/PB1694002041000
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Haeler E, Bolte A, Buchacher R, Hänninen H, Jandl R, Juutinen A, Kuhlmey K, Kurttila M, Lidestav G, Mäkipää R, Rosenkranz L, Triplat M, Vilhar U, Westin K, Schueler S (2023) Forest subsidy distribution in five European countries. Forest Pol Econ 146:102882, DOI:10.1016/j.forpol.2022.102882
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Westin K, Bolte A, Haeler E, Haltia E, Jandl R, Juutinen A, Kuhlmey K, Lidestav G, Mäkipää R, Rosenkranz L, Triplat M, Skudnik M, Vilhar U, Schüler S (2023) Forest values and application of different management activities among small-scale forest owners in five EU countries. Forest Pol Econ 146:102881, DOI:10.1016/j.forpol.2022.102881
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Bolte A, Kuhlmey K, Schad T, Rosenkranz L, Peters MJ, Seintsch B (2023) Subsidization of small-scale private forests in Europe needs a clearer definition of objectives. Eberswalde; Hamburg: Thünen Institute of Forest Ecosystems; Thünen Institute of Forestry, 2 p 2023/40a, DOI:10.3220/PB1694002632000
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Rosenkranz L, Peters MJ, Seintsch B (2022) Betriebskennzahlen für fünf europäische Länder. AFZ Der Wald 77(23):14-18
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Juutinen A, Haeler E, Jandl R, Kuhlmey K, Kurttila M, Mäkipää R, Pohjanmies T, Rosenkranz L, Skudnik M, Triplat M, Tolvanen A, Vilhar U, Westin K, Schueler S (2022) Common preferences of European small-scale forest owners towards contract-based management. Forest Pol Econ 144:102839, DOI:10.1016/j.forpol.2022.102839
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Juutinen A, Kurttila M, Pohjanmies T, Tolvanen A, Kuhlmey K, Skudnik M, Triplat M, Westin K, Mäkipää R (2021) Forest owners’ preferences for contract-based management to enhance environmental values versus timber production. Forest Pol Econ 132:102587, DOI:10.1016/j.forpol.2021.102587