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© Anja Bunge / Thünen-Institut
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Institute of

FI Fisheries Ecology

Thuenen related publications

  1. 0

    Axen C, Cooper A, Paley R, Bao M, Bignell J, Carnegie R, Cheslett D, Cipriani P, Declercq A, Eriksson-Kallio AM, Gagné N, Garseth A-H, Giulietti L, Grade A, Haenen O, Kristmundsson Á, Levsen A, Madsen L, Mortensen S, Scharsack JP, et al (2025) Working Group on Pathology and Diseases of Marine Organisms (WGPDMO; outputs from 2024 meeting). Copenhagen: ICES, 27 p, ICES Sci Rep 7(17), DOI:10.17895/

  2. 1

    Sepp T, Baines C, Kreitsberg R, Scharsack JP, Nogueira P, Lang T, Fort J, Sild E, Clarke JT, Tuvikene A, Meitern R (2024) Differences on the level of hepatic transcriptome between two flatfish species in response to liver cancer and environmental pollution levels. Comp Biochem Physiol C 275:109781, DOI:10.1016/j.cbpc.2023.109781

  3. 2

    Ng TH, Harrison MC, Scharsack JP, Kurtz J (2024) Disentangling specific and unspecific components of innate immune memory in a copepod-tapeworm system. Front Immunol 15:1307477, DOI:10.3389/fimmu.2024.1307477

  4. 3

    Kammann UKR, Töpker V, Schmidt N, Rödiger M, Aust M-O, Gabel M, Scharsack JP (2024) Explosives leaking from dumped munition contaminate fish from German coastal waters: a reason for chronic effects? Environ Sci Europe 36:116, DOI:10.1186/s12302-024-00942-5

  5. 4

    Achterberg EP, Andresen C, Beck A, Brenner M, Böttcher C, Cumming A, Czub M, Frey T, Kammann UKR, Kampmeier M, Koschinski S, Koske D, Köser K, Lang T, Lastumäki A, Lehtonen KK, Lundgreen K, Lindgren F, Lyjak J, Scharsack JP, et al (2024) Thematic assessment on hazardous submerged objects in the Baltic Sea : Warfare materials in the Baltic Sea. Helsinki: HELCOM, 151 p

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