additional publications of Ulrike Kammann Ph.D.
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Karbe L, Aletsee L, Dürselen C-D, Heyer K, Kammann UKR, Krause M, Rick HJ, Steinhart H (1994) Bioaccumulation and effects of plankton and benthon on the fate of contaminants. In: Sündermann J (ed) Circulation and contaminant fluxes in the North Sea. Berlin; Heidelberg; New York: Springer, pp 555-597
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Jedamski-Grymlas J, Kammann UKR, Tempelmann A (1994) Entgiftungsstoffwechsel und Kontamination der Elbe-Brassen (Abramis brama): Vergleich der Meßkampagnen aus den Jahren 192 und 1993. Ber Zentr Meeres Klimaforsch E 7:65-70
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Heyer K, Engel M, Brockmann U, Rick HJ, Dürselen C-D, Hühnerfuss H, Kammann UKR, Steinhart H, Kienz W, Krause M, Karbe L, Faubel A, Regier S (1994) Local studies in the German Bight during Winter/Spring 1988/89. In: Sündermann J (ed) Circulation and contaminant fluxes in the North Sea. Berlin; Heidelberg; New York: Springer, pp 190-245
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Kammann UKR, Hein W, Steinhart H (1994) Metallothioneine in Brassen aus der mittleren und unteren Elbe. Ber Zentr Meeres Klimaforsch E 7:71-74
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Kammann UKR, Landgraff O, Steinhart H (1993) Distribution of aromatic organochlorines in livers and reproductive organs of male and female dabs from the German Bight. Mar Pollut Bull 26(11):629-635, DOI:10.1016/0025-326X(93)90502-B