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    Koch G, Heinz I (2024) App macroHOLZdata and CITESwoodID: Computer-aided identification and description of internationally traded and CITES-protected timbers. In: Forests & society towards 2050 : 26th IUFRO World Congress, Stockholm, Sweden, 23-29 June 2024 ; Book of abstracts. p 3522

  2. 1

    Esteban LG, Palacios P de, Heinz I, Gasson P, García-Iruela A, García-Fernández F (2023) Softwood anatomy: A review. Forests 14(2):323, DOI:10.3390/f14020323

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    Andrews JT, Beaumont H, Cove S, Heinz I, Schröder H (2021) A rapid rise in relative sea level ~9-7 cal ka bp along the SW Cumbria coast, NW England. J Quaternary Sci 36(4):497-507, DOI:10.1002/jqs.3321

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    Olbrich A, Helmling S, Heinz I, Sieburg-Rockel IJ, Koch G (2019) Identification of Asian timbers in pulp, paper and fiber boards. In: XXV IUFRO World Congress 2019, 29. September - 5. Oktober. p 113

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    Koch G, Heinz I, Haag V, Schmitt U (2019) K-1: Wood anatomy - the role of macroscopic and microscopic wood identification to combat illegal logging and trading. In: IAWA-IUFRO International Symposium : challenges and opportunities for updating wood identification ; May 20-22, 2019, China, program & abstracts. pp 4-5

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    Heinz I, Helmling S, Olbrich A, Koch G (2019) O-5: Identification of Asian timbers in pulp, paper and fiber boards. In: IAWA-IUFRO International Symposium : challenges and opportunities for updating wood identification ; May 20-22, 2019, China, program & abstracts. pp 5-6

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    Helmling S, Olbrich A, Heinz I, Koch G (2018) Atlas of vessel elements : identification of Asian timbers. IAWA J 39(3):249-352, DOI:10.1163/22941932-20180202

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    Koch G, Heinz I, Richter H-G (2018) Demonstration of the database macroHOLZdata computer-aided identification and description of trade timbers. Hardwood Conf Proc 8:72-73

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    Koch G, Heinz I, Schmitt U, Richter H-G (2018) Wood anatomy - the role of macroscopic and microscopic wood identification against illegal logging. Hardwood Conf Proc 8:10-11

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    Koch G, Haag V, Helmling S, Heinz I, Olbrich A (2017) Fasern im Fokus : Holzartenbestimmung von Faserplatten - Erfahrungen aus den Prüfungen im Kontext der EUTR. MDF Mag Co:86-88

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    Koch G, Haag V, Heinz I, Richter H-G (2016) Die Europäische Holzhandelsverordnung (EUTR) : Anforderungen an die Holzartenbestimmung in der Praxis. Holztechnol 57(1):5-11

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    Koch G, Haag V, Heinz I (2015) Pflichtbewusstsein : EUTR und Holzwerkstoffe - Prüfungen am Thünen-Kompetenzzentrum Holzherkünfte. MDF Mag Co 2015:64-67

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    Heinz I (2004) Systematische Erfassung und Dokumentation der mikroanatomischen Merkmale der Nadelhölzer aus der Klasse der Pinatae. München: Univ, 209 p, München, Techn Univ Diss, 2004

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    Heinz I (2003) Fachhochschule Bad Wildungen: Holzartenbestimmung mit macroHolzdata am PC. Holz Roh Werkst 61(1):48, DOI:10.1007/s00107-002-0341-x

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    Richter H-G, Grosser D, Heinz I (1998) Proposal for an IAWA list of microscopic features for softwood. IAWA J 19(4):475

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