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© Andreas Bolte
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Institute of

WO Forest Ecosystems


Harmonized stand inventory

Living on standing dead wood
© Nadine Eickenscheidt
Various structures such as protruding bark pockets, tree hollows, hollow cavities and fungal consoles can be seen on a tree trunk.

Soil characteristics and forest conditions are direct associated. With the harmonized stand inventory standardized information of forest growth, deadwood and forest regeneration are collected for the first time on Soil Inventory Plots in Germany. The result is a direct connectable dataset of soil and forest vegetation.

Background and Objective

With the conception of the Soil Inventory in Germany no consistent stand measurements were defined and realized. But these informations are essential to investigate interactions between the resources soil and forst vegetation. To close this gap a national coordinated stand inventory on Soil Inventory Plots is carried out. There the analysis of site (soil, climate) and forest growth is focussed.


  1. Coordination of consistent methods and a manual for forest stands, forest regeneration and deadwood on sample plots.
  2. Training of personal and contractors.
  3. Fieldworks
  4. Collecting and quality checking data in a National Soil Inventory Data Base.
  5. Closing workshop to fieldworks.
  6. National integrated data analysis of forest- and soil conditions.

Involved external Thünen-Partners


2.2011 - 12.2016

More Information

Project status: finished


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    Müller J, Moritz W, Nörthemann K, Bienge J-E (2015) Early forest fire detection using low energy hydrogen sensors. In: Matweew SM (ed) Lesnye ekosistemy v uslovijach menjajušcegosja klimata: Problemy i perspektivy : materialy meždunarodnoj naucno-techniceskoj jubilejnoj konferencii, posvjašcennoj 100-letiju kafedry lesovodstva, lesnoj taksacii i lesoustrojstva 21-22 maja 2015 goda. Voronež: FGBOU VO (VGLTU), pp 93-95

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    Nörthemann K, Bienge J-E, Müller J, Moritz W (2013) Early forest fire detection using low-energy hydrogen sensors. J Sens Sens Syst 2:171-177, DOI:10.5194/jsss-2-171-2013

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