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Copernicus Netzwerkbüro Wald

© © Copernicus Netzwerkbüro

Copernicus Networking Office for Forests

Satellites of the European Copernicus programme provide information for a wide range of applications in the forest sector. With the Copernicus Network Office Forest, the Thünen Institute offers a new contact point for remote sensing experts and stakeholders in the forest. The aim of the network office is to identify users' needs for remote sensing data and technologies and to advise stakeholders.

Background and Objective

In order to be able to maintain the diverse ecosystem services of forests, continuous and comprehensive monitoring systems are needed to collect important data on forest ecosystems. With the help of the European Sentinel satellites, important information can be collected in high temporal and spatial resolution, especially in damage detection, structural diversity, but also in tree species detection. While most forest owners look at their trees from the ground, the sentinel satellites of the Copernicus programme look down on the forests from above and can thus provide information on the condition, structure and development of the forests. The freely available data is now used by many, e.g. for research purposes by universities and forestry companies, but also by companies that focus on the collection and processing of data from aerial and satellite images in order to offer concrete applications and products for forest owners.


It is planned to map existing applications and activities of remote sensing technologies and actors and to bring together parallel developments. In addition, the harmonisation and standardisation of data and acquisition methods will be promoted and cooperation in the field of open-source tools will be encouraged. Furthermore, a needs analysis, the development of a user concept and the derivation of measures are on the agenda in order to optimise future funding measures and adapt them to the identified needs.

Funding Body

  • German Aerospace Center (DLR)
    (national, öffentlich)


8.2021 - 3.2025

More Information

Project funding number: 50EW2001
Funding program: DLR - Entwicklung und Implementierungsvorbereitung von Copernicus Diensten für den öffentlichen Bedarf in Deutschland
Project status: ongoing


  1. 0

    Hensch M (2024) Newsletter Netzwerkbüro Wald [online]. Eberswalde: Copernicus Netzwerkbüro Wald, 7 p, Newsl Netzwerkbüro Wald 19 (Dez. 2024), zu finden in <> [zitiert am 05.12.2024]

  2. 1

    Hensch M, Albert N (2024) Newsletter Netzwerkbüro Wald [online]. Eberswalde: Copernicus Netzwerkbüro Wald, 7 p, Newsl Netzwerkbüro Wald 14 (Feb. 2024), zu finden in <> [zitiert am 15.03.2024]

  3. 2

    Hensch M, Albert N (2024) Newsletter Netzwerkbüro Wald [online]. Eberswalde: Copernicus Netzwerkbüro Wald, 6 p, Newsl Netzwerkbüro Wald 15 (Apr. 2024), zu finden in <> [zitiert am 17.05.2024]

  4. 3

    Hensch M, Albert N (2024) Newsletter Netzwerkbüro Wald [online]. Eberswalde: Copernicus Netzwerkbüro Wald, 6 p, Newsl Netzwerkbüro Wald 16 (Juni 2024), zu finden in <> [zitiert am 17.06.2024]

  5. 4

    Hensch M, Albert N (2024) Newsletter Netzwerkbüro Wald [online]. Eberswalde: Copernicus Netzwerkbüro Wald, 6 p, Newsl Netzwerkbüro Wald 18 (Okt. 2024), zu finden in <> [zitiert am 23.10.2024]

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