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Institute of

WO Forest Ecosystems


Methods of catching wild boar

© Tottewitz
Rotwildfütterung im Mittelgebirge

Background and Objective

The wild boar populations in Germany are at record levels and are still growing despite high hunting pressures. Thus, hunting policies are aimed at limiting the population rise and decreasing wild boar populations considerably. An reduction of the population will also decrease the spread risks of the African swine fever (ASP).


The live catch of wild boar is a low disturbance method that can be combined easily with other hunting methods. This is in particular the case in hunting regions where wild boar is difficult to hunt or is even not hunt. The application of live catch methods requires specific expertise as well as a high-intensive care of the equipment. Live catch methods for wild boar are thus only recommended if the hunting representative has the required expertise and time options. In particular regarding the possible outbreaks of African swine fever it is necessary to collect and share existing knowledge about live catch methods for wild boars in order to be prepared for such cases. Therefore, the working party on wildlife ecology at the Thünen Institute of Forest Ecosystems collects all information regading live catch of wild boars and present the results in methodological overview.


Permanent task 1.2018

More Information

Project status: ongoing


  1. 0

    Tottewitz F, Neumann M (2014) Relaxtes Rotwild : Ruhezonen und Intervalljagd. Wild Hund 117(3):14-19

  2. 1

    Tottewitz F, Neumann M (2011) Raumnutzung Rotwild : Konflikte im Wohnzimmer. Pirsch(16):23-27

  3. 2

    Neumann M, Tottewitz F, Sparing H, Gleich E (2006) Untersuchungen zur Lebenraumnutzung des Rotwildes (Cervus elephus L.) im Thüringer Wald durch GPS-Satelliten-Telemetrie. Beitr Jagd Wildforsch 31:151-158

  4. 3

    Tottewitz F, Fischer T, Klein M (2005) Mit GPS das Rotwild im Visier : telemetrische Untersuchungen zu Lebensraumansprüchen des Rotwildes im Thüringer Wald. Unsere Jagd 55(2):36-37

  5. 4

    Tottewitz F (2004) Telemetrische Untersuchungen zu Lebensraumansprüchen des Rotwildes im Thüringer Wald. In: Biotopverbund im Thüringer Wald : Tagungsband 2004 ; Tagungsreihe Naturschutz im Naturpark Thüringer Wald und im Biosphärenreservat Vesser. Schmiedefeld: Verwaltung Biosphärenreservat Vessertal, pp 47-53

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