All Publications of Dr. Eliza Zhunusova at the Thünen Institute
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Fischer R, Schier F, Zhunusova E, Günter S, Iost S, Schweinle J, Weimar H, Dieter M (2024) Ausweitung von Waldschutzgebieten in Europa gefährdet die Biodiversität global. Hamburg: Thünen-Institut für Waldwirtschaft, 1 p, Project Brief Thünen Inst 2024/07, DOI:10.3220/PB1708672364000
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Fischer R, Schier F, Zhunusova E, Günter S, Iost S, Schweinle J, Weimar H, Dieter M (2024) Expansion of forest protection areas in Europe endangers biodiversity globally. Hamburg: Thünen Institute of Forestry, 1 p, Project Brief Thünen Inst 2024/07a, DOI:10.3220/PB1708672725000
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Fischer R, Zhunusova E, Günter S, Iost S, Schier F, Schweinle J, Weimar H, Dieter M (2024) Leakage of biodiversity risks under the European Union Biodiversity Strategy 2030. Conserv Biol 38(3):e14235, DOI:10.1111/cobi.14235
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Fischer R, Ferrer Velasco R, Kabwe G, Kanungwe-Kalaba F, Günter S, Gumbo DJ, Jany C, Lajonez DA, Lippe M, Mangabat C, Mfuni T, Moombe K, Peters F, Sales-Come R, Tamayo-Cordero F, Torres B, Zhunusova E (2024) Open geodata of the LaForeT project landscapes in Ecuador, the Philippines and Zambia. Braunschweig: Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, 18 p, Thünen Working Paper 236, DOI:10.3220/WP1711611740000
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Schier F, Fischer R, Zhunusova E, Günter S, Iost S, Schweinle J, Weimar H, Dieter M (2024) Potential leakage of biodiversity risks under the EU Biodiversity Strategy 2030. In: Forests & society towards 2050 : 26th IUFRO World Congress, Stockholm, Sweden, 23-29 June 2024 ; Book of abstracts. p 639
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Ahimbisibwe V, Zhunusova E, Kassa H, Günter S (2024) Technical efficiency drivers of farmer-led restoration strategies, and how substantial is the unrealised potential for farm output? Agric Syst 213:103799, DOI:10.1016/j.agsy.2023.103799
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Sadeghi A, Zhunusova E, Günter S, Dieter M (2023) Households' livelihood in restricted forest landscapes: What is the impact of contextual factors? Forest Pol Econ 154:103008, DOI:10.1016/j.forpol.2023.103008
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Zhunusova E, Kazungu M, Ojeda Luna T, Wiebe P, Sadeghi A, Ferrer Velasco R, Günter S, Kabwe G, Jany C, Lippe M, Mangabat C, Sales-Come R, Torres B, Fischer R (2023) LaForeT Livelihoods : Livelihood data based on a transnational household survey of the LaForeT project [Datenpublikation] [online]. 1 GeoPackage file, 1 CSV file. Göttingen: OpenAgrar, zu finden in <> [zitiert am 10.04.2024], DOI:10.3220/DATA20240213131502-0
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Fischer R, Zhunusova E, Günter S (2022) Auswirkungen auf die Ökosysteme und deren globale Wirkungen in den mutmaßlichen Exportländern. Mat LWF 17:54-60
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Toledo-Aceves T, Günter S, Guariguata MR, Garcia-Diaz M, Zhunusova E (2022) Financial revenues from timber harvesting in secondary cloud forests: a case study from Mexico. Forests 13(9):1496, DOI:10.3390/f13091496