Further Publications by Dr. Melvin Lippe before 2016
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Iqbal Y, Lippe M, Lewandowski I (2016) Assessing the technical feasibility of direct and indirect iLUC mitigation measures for biofuel supply chains : consultancy report to Ecofys Netherlands B.V.. 65 p
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Yang X, Blagodatsky SA, Lippe M, Liu F, Hammond J, Xu J, Cadisch G (2016) Land-use change impact on time-averaged carbon balances: rubber expansion and reforestation in a biosphere reserve, South-West China. Forest Ecol Manag 372:149-163, DOI:10.1016/j.foreco.2016.04.009
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Quaglia G, Lippe M, Wangpakapattanawong P, Cadisch G (2016) Multi-Criteria, GIS and InVEST for Evaluation of REDD+: Case Study in Northern Thailand. In: Freyer B, Tielkes E (eds) Tropentag 2016: Solidarity in a competing world - fair use of resources : book of abstracts. Göttingen: Cuvillier, p 294
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Lippe M, Hilger T, Jintrawet A, Cadisch G (2015) An integrated assessment to simulate the potential future impact of land-use change on above-ground carbon in Northern Thailand : oral presentation : International Asian Highland Conference [online]. Chiang Mai, zu finden in <http://www.asiahiland2014.agri.cmu.ac.th/it/home/hosting.asp> [zitiert am 04.03.2019]
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Lippe M, Hilger T, Marohn C, Cadisch G (2015) Mountainous regions as coupled humanenvironmental systems: Why do people not adopt soil conservation technologies in Northern Thailand and Northern Vietnam? : oral presentation ; "Mountains of our Future Earth" [online]. Perth, zu finden in <https://perthmountains2015.wordpress.com/> [zitiert am 04.03.2019]
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Lippe M (2015) Simulating the impact of land use change on ecosystem functions in data-limited watersheds of Mountainous Mainland Southeast Asia. Aachen: Shaker, 167 p, Hohenheim, Univ, Diss
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Lippe M, Marohn C, Hilger TH, Nguyen VD, Vien TD, Cadisch G (2014) Evaluating a spatially-explicit and stream power-driven erosion and sediment deposition model in Northern Vietnam. Catena 120:134-148, DOI:10.1016/j.catena.2014.04.002
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Salzer M, Lippe M, Cadisch G (2013) Environmental impact analysis of palm oil-based products using life cycle assessment tools. In: Tielkes E (ed) Agricultural development within the rural-urban continuum : Tropentag 2013 ; international research on food security, natural resource management and rural development ; book of abstracts. Göttingen: Cuvillier, p 497
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Marohn C, Cadisch G, Jintrawet A, Buddhaboon C, Sarawat V, Nilpunt S, Chinvanno Suppakorn, Pannangpetch K, Lippe M, Potchanasin C, Dang VQ, Schreinemachers P, Berger T, Siripalangkanont P, Nguyen TT (2013) Integrated modeling of agricultural systems in mountainous areas. In: Fröhlich HL, Schreinemachers P, Stahr K, Clemens G (eds) Sustainable land use and rural development in Southeast Asia: innovations and policies for mountainous areas. New York; Berlin; Heidelberg: Springer, pp 367-432, DOI:10.1007/978-3-642-33377-4_10
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Neef A, Ekasingh B, Friederichsen R, Becu N, Lippe M, Sangkapitux C, Frör O, Punyavadee V, Schad I, Williams PM, Schreinemachers P, Neubert D, Heidhues F, Cadisch G, Nguyen TD, Gypmantasiri P, Hoffmann V (2013) Participatory approaches to research and development in Southeast Asian Uplands: potential and challenges. In: Fröhlich HL, Schreinemachers P, Stahr K, Clemens G (eds) Sustainable land use and rural development in Southeast Asia: innovations and policies for mountainous areas. New York; Berlin; Heidelberg: Springer, pp 321-365, DOI:10.1007/978-3-642-33377-4_9