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A timber truck fully loaded with logs drives over a very simple wooden bridge in a forest.
A timber truck fully loaded with logs drives over a very simple wooden bridge in a forest.
Institute of

WF Forestry

Publications of Dr. Paola Pozo Inofuentes

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    Pozo Inofuentes PS, Säumel I (2018) How to bloom the green desert: Eucalyptus plantations and native forests in Uruguay beyond black and white perspectives. Forests 9(10):614, DOI:10.3390/f9100614

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    Anthelme F, Meneses RI, Valero NNH, Valero NNH, Pozo Inofuentes PS, Dangles O (2017) Fine nurse variations explain discrepancies in the stress-interaction relationship in alpine regions. Oikos 126(8):1173-1183, DOI:10.1111/oik.04248

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    Pozo Inofuentes PS, Hind DJN (2013) A new species of Calea sect. Meyeria (Compositae: Heliantheae: Neurolaeninae), Calea woodii, from Santa Cruz, Bolivia. Kew Bull 68(3):511-515

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    Pozo Inofuentes PS, Wood JRI, Soto D, Beck S (2013) Endemic plant species to the serranías of Roboré and Concepción: Implications for conservation. Rev Sociedad Boliviana Bot 7(1):73-81

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    Pozo Inofuentes PS (2013) The mountains of Roboré: Diversity, Ecology and Endemism. La Paz: SUMA AMTAWI, 90 p

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    Florez C, Pozo Inofuentes PS (2012) Amazonian forests and adaptation to climate change: Remarks in Bolivia and Peru. In: Proceedings of the third international DAAD workshop. pp 153-164

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    Mamani F, Pozo Inofuentes PS, Soto D, Villarroel D, Wood JRI (2011) Darwin guide of the plants of the Chiquitania Cerrados. 214 p

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    Pozo Inofuentes PS (2010) Importance of the serranías of Roboré for the conservation of the Cerrados of eastern Bolivia. Santa Cruz, Boletín Patujú 11(6)

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    Mamani F, Pozo Inofuentes PS, Soto D, Villarroel D, Wood JRI (2010) Plant Red book of the Cerrados of eastern Bolivia : Museo Noel Kempff Mercado. Santa Cruz, 153 p

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    Pozo Inofuentes PS, Wood JRI (2009) How do Cerrado plants survive the environmental pressures?: Study cases in eastern Bolivia. In: Antezana C, Arrázola S, Atahuachi M (eds) Primer Congreso boliviano de Botánica : Programa y resúmenes. pp 70-71

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    Vidaurre P, Seidel R, Pozo Inofuentes PS (2009) Wild relatives of endangered and almost endangered crops, Anacardium humile. In: VMABCC-BIOVERSITY : Plant Red Book of wild crop relatives of Bolivia. La Paz, pp 76-78

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    Pozo Inofuentes PS (2008) Population characteristics of the Cerrado cashew in different Cerrado phygsinomies (Chiquitos province, Santa Cruz). Rev Agricult 60(44):31-36

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