Friederike Rorig

Institute of Forestry
Leuschnerstraße 9121031 Hamburg-Bergedorf
- Telephone
- +49 40 739 62 338
- Telephone
- +49 40 739 62 338
Scientist · M.Sc.
Curriculum Vitae
- 09/2007 – 08/2008: Voluntary Social Year: Haus der Natur - Cismar
- 2008 – 2012: B.Sc. Environmental Science at the Leuphana University Lüneburg; Bachelor Thesis: Effects of plant traits on herbivory on tree species in subtropical China – a case study in the framework of BEF China
- 09/2011 – 11/2011: Student Assistant at the Faculty of Sustainability at the Leuphana University Lüneburg: DFG-research project „BEF-China“
- 2013 – 2017: M.Sc. Sustainability Science at the Leuphana University Lüneburg; Master Thesis: Biodiversity effect on the physiology of evergreen and deciduous tree species in subtropical China. A stable isotope study within the BEF-China experiment
- 12/2015 – 06/2016: Student Assistant at the University Hospital Schleswig-Holstein: Research and teaching in nursing
- since 10/2017: Study Wood Economics / Wood Science at the University Hamburg
- 08/2019 – 02/2020: Research Assistant at the Institute of International Forestry and Forest Economics Thünen Institute: Bio-economy-Monitoring
- since 8/2021: Scientist at the Thünen Institute of Forestry
(until 30.11.2021 Thünen Institute of International Forestry and Forest Economics), Hamburg
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