Gregor Müller

Institute of Forestry
Leuschnerstraße 9121031 Hamburg-Bergedorf
- Telephone
- +49 531 2570 1406
Technical employee
Curriculum Vitae
- Born 1979 in Dresden
- 1998: General qualification for university entrance
- 2001 – 2006: Engineer of wood technology studies at the University of Applied Sciences Eberswalde | Diploma thesis: „Examination of optimizing the finger joint bonding of black locust“
- 2003: Term abroad at the Kymenlaakson Ammattikorkeakoulu Kotka – Finland
- 2004: Internship at the Forest Engineering Research Institute of Canada – Western Division, Vancouver - Canada
- 2006 – 2007: Technical development in a Hungarian production plant specialized in black locust products
- 2007 – 2011: Technical – scientific employee in a wood trading company specialized in black locust
- 2011 - 09/2013: Technical employee at the Institute for Forest Economics
- since 10/2013: Technical employee at the Thünen Institute of Forestry
(until 30.11.2021 Thünen Institute of International Forestry and Forest Economics)
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