Marlen Brinkord

Institute of Forestry
Leuschnerstraße 9121031 Hamburg-Bergedorf
- Telephone
- +49 531 2570 1785
Scientist · M.Sc.
Curriculum Vitae
- Born 1997 in Gütersloh
- 2017 - 2021: Forest Sciences and Forest Ecology (B.Sc.), University of Göttingen
- 2021 - 2023: Forest Ecosystem Sciences with specialisation on „Ecosystem Analysis and Modelling“ (M.Sc.)
- 09/2020 – 01/2023: Assistant to the management board at DFUV - Deutsches Netzwerk der Forstunternehmen und Forsttechnik e.V.
- since 03/2023: Researcher at the Thünen Institute of Forestry
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