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A timber truck fully loaded with logs drives over a very simple wooden bridge in a forest.
A timber truck fully loaded with logs drives over a very simple wooden bridge in a forest.
Institute of

WF Forestry

All Publications of PD Dr. Sven Günter before 2014

  1. 0

    Weber M, Stimm B, Lopez MF, Gerique A, Pohle P, Hildebrandt P, Knoke T, Palomeque X, Calvas B, Günter S, Aguirre N, Kübler D (2013) Conservation, management of natural forests and reforestation of pastures to retain and restore current provisioning services. Ecol Stud 221:171-185

  2. 1

    Weber M, Stimm B, Lopez MF, Gerique A, Pohle P, Hildebrandt P, Knoke T, Palomeque X, Calvas B, Günter S, Aguirre N, Kübler D (2013) Current provisioning services: conservation forest management and reforestation. Ecol Stud 221:171-186

  3. 2

    Günter S, Calvas B, Lotz T, Bendix J, Mosandl R (2013) Knowledge transfer for conservation and sustainable management of natural resources: a case study from Southern Equador. Ecol Stud 221:395-409

  4. 3

    Calvas B, Knoke T, Castro LM, Hildebrandt P, Weber M, Stimm B, Mosandl R, Günter S, Aguirre N (2013) Sustainable agriculture and conservation payments are keyfactors in mitigating tropical forest loss. Ecol Stud 221:235-246

  5. 4

    Knoke T, Calvas B, Hildebrandt P, Weber M, Stimm B, Günter S, Aguirre N, Mosandl R (2013) Sustainable use of tropical forests : a plea for a landscape view. Ecol Stud 221:343-354

  6. 5

    Günter S, Louman B, Oyarzun V (2012) Criteria and indicators to improve the ability to monitor forests and promote sustainable forest management: interchange of ideason the processes of Montral and Latin America. Turrialba, C R: CATIE, 60 p, Techn Ser Techn Bull CATIE 54

  7. 6

    Jadan O, Torres B, Günter S (2012) Influencia del uso de la tierra sobre almacenamiento de carbono en sistemas productivos y bosque primario en Napo, Reserva de Biosfera Sumaco, Ecuador. Rev Amazon 1(3):173-186

  8. 7

    Günter S, Weber M, Stimm B, Mosandl R (2012) Linking tropical silviculture to sustainable forest management. Bois & Forêts des Tropiques 314(4):25-39

  9. 8

    Spannl S, Günter S, Peters T, VollandF, Bräuning A (2012) Which factors control tree growth in a tropical mountain forest? The case of Cedrela montana in Southern Equador. In: TRACE - Tree Rings in Archaeology, Climatology and Ecology : Vol. 10, Proceedings of the Dendrosymposium 2011, May 11th - 14th, 2011 in Orleans, France. Potsdam: Deutsches Geoforschungszentrum

  10. 9

    Günter S, Weber M, Stimm B, Mosandl R (2011) Five recommendations to improve tropical silviculture. In: Günter S, Weber M, Stimm B, Mosandl R (eds) Silviculture in the tropics. Berlin; Heidelberg; New York: Springer, pp 527-546

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