All Publications of Ruben Weber (Ferrer Velasco) at the Thünen Institute
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Fischer R, Ferrer Velasco R, Kabwe G, Kanungwe-Kalaba F, Günter S, Gumbo DJ, Jany C, Lajonez DA, Lippe M, Mangabat C, Mfuni T, Moombe K, Peters F, Sales-Come R, Tamayo-Cordero F, Torres B, Zhunusova E (2024) Open geodata of the LaForeT project landscapes in Ecuador, the Philippines and Zambia. Braunschweig: Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, 18 p, Thünen Working Paper 236, DOI:10.3220/WP1711611740000
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Ferrer Velasco R, Lippe M, Günter S, Jany C, Mfuni T, Rebuyas RS, Tamayo F, Fischer R, Eguiguren P, Kazungu M, Nansikombi H, Ojeda Luna T, Wiebe P (2023) LaForeT Ground control points and Landscape borders [Datenpublikation] [online]. 2 GeoPackage files, 2 CSV files. Göttingen: OpenAgrar, zu finden in <> [zitiert am 10.04.2024], DOI:10.3220/DATA20240213131557-0
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Lippe M, Ferrer Velasco R, Yang AL, Caraan R, Gayagay, R, Günter S, Kabwe G, Mangabat C, Nansikombi H, Sales-Come R, Tamayo F, Fischer R (2023) LaForeT Land cover and land use polygons from participatory mapping [Datenpublikation] [online]. 2 GeoPackage files, 2 CSV files. Göttingen: OpenAgrar, zu finden in <> [zitiert am 10.04.2024], DOI:10.3220/DATA20240213131637-0
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Zhunusova E, Kazungu M, Ojeda Luna T, Wiebe P, Sadeghi A, Ferrer Velasco R, Günter S, Kabwe G, Jany C, Lippe M, Mangabat C, Sales-Come R, Torres B, Fischer R (2023) LaForeT Livelihoods : Livelihood data based on a transnational household survey of the LaForeT project [Datenpublikation] [online]. 1 GeoPackage file, 1 CSV file. Göttingen: OpenAgrar, zu finden in <> [zitiert am 10.04.2024], DOI:10.3220/DATA20240213131502-0
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Ferrer Velasco R, Lippe M, Fischer R, Torres B, Tamayo F, Kanungwe Kalaba F, Kaoma H, Bugayong L, Günter S (2023) Reconciling policy instruments with drivers of deforestation and forest degradation : cross-scale analysis of stakeholder perceptions in tropical countries. Sci Rep 13:2180, DOI:10.1038/s41598-023-29417-y
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Weber R, Lippe M, Tamayo F, Mfuni T, Come R, Mangabat C, Schneider T, Günter S (2022) How "good" are forest maps in the tropics? Hamburg: Thünen Institute of Forestry, 1 p, Project Brief Thünen Inst 2022/19a, DOI:10.3220/PB1652856131000
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Weber R, Lippe M, Günter S (2022) Mapping tropical forests: implications and challenges for deforested landscapes and forest restoration. Examples from Zambia, Ecuador and Philippines : [paper for] XV World Forestry Congress, Coex, Soul, Republic of Korea, 2-6 May 2022. 9 p
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Ferrer Velasco R, Lippe M, Tamayo F, Mfuni T, Sales-Come R, Mangabat C, Schneider T, Günter S (2022) Towards accurate mapping of forest in tropical landscapes: A comparison of datasets on how forest transition matters. Remote Sens Environ 274:112997, DOI:10.1016/j.rse.2022.112997
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Wiebe P, Zhunusova E, Lippe M, Ferrer Velasco R, Günter S (2022) What is the contribution of forest-related income to rural livelihood strategies in the Philippines' remaining forested landscapes? Forest Pol Econ 135:102658, DOI:10.1016/j.forpol.2021.102658
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Weber R, Lippe M, Tamayo F, Mfuni T, Come R, Mangabat C, Schneider T, Günter S (2022) Wie "gut" sind Waldkarten in den Tropen? Hamburg: Thünen-Institut für Waldwirtschaft, 1 p, Project Brief Thünen Inst 2022/19, DOI:10.3220/PB1652855579000
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Gordillo Vera F, Eguiguren P, Köthke M, Ferrer Velasco R, Elsasser P (2021) Additionality and leakage resulting from PES implementation? Evidence from the Ecuadorian Amazonia. Forests 12(7):906, DOI:10.3390/f12070906
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Kazungu M, Ferrer Velasco R, Zhunusova E, Lippe M, Kabwe G, Gumbo DJ, Günter S (2021) Can regional land use management policies reduce deforestation in Zambia? Hamburg: Thünen Institute of International Forestry and Forest Economics, 1 p, Project Brief Thünen Inst 2021/25a, DOI:10.3220/PB1631609911000
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Kazungu M, Ferrer Velasco R, Zhunusova E, Lippe M, Kabwe G, Gumbo DJ, Günter S (2021) Effects of household-level attributes and agricultural land-use on deforestation patterns along a forest transition gradient in the Miombo landscapes, Zambia. Ecol Econ 186:107070, DOI:10.1016/j.ecolecon.2021.107070
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Fischer R, Tamayo Cordero F, Ojeda Luna T, Ferrer Velasco R, DeDecker M, Torres B, Giessen L, Günter S (2021) Interplay of governance elements and their effects on deforestation in tropical landscapes: Quantitative insights from Ecuador. World Dev 148:105665, DOI:10.1016/j.worlddev.2021.105665
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Gordillo Vera F, Eguiguren P, Köthke M, Ferrer Velasco R, Elsasser P (2021) Is PES stopping deforestation or is it just shifting it? Hamburg: Thünen Institute of International Forestry and Forest Economics, 1 p, Project Brief Thünen Inst 2021/27a, DOI:10.3220/PB1631695981000
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Kazungu M, Ferrer Velasco R, Zhunusova E, Lippe M, Kabwe G, Gumbo DJ, Günter S (2021) Können regionale Landnutzungspolitiken die Entwaldung in Sambia reduzieren? Hamburg: Thünen-Institut für Internationale Waldwirtschaft und Forstökonomie, 1 p, Project Brief Thünen Inst 2021/25, DOI:10.3220/PB1631609121000
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Gordillo Vera F, Eguiguren P, Köthke M, Ferrer Velasco R, Elsasser P (2021) Stoppt PES die Entwaldung oder verlagert es sie nur? Hamburg: Thünen-Institut für Internationale Waldwirtschaft und Forstökonomie, 1 p, Project Brief Thünen Inst 2021/27, DOI:10.3220/PB1631695342000
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Nansikombi H, Fischer R, Ferrer Velasco R, Lippe M, Kanungwe Kalaba F, Kabwe G, Günter S (2020) Can de facto governance influence deforestation drivers in the Zambian Miombo? Forest Pol Econ 120:102309, DOI:10.1016/j.forpol.2020.102309
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Tamayo F, Torres B, Fischer R, Lajones A, Cervantes R, Corozo C, Ferrer Velasco R, Günter S (2020) Caracterización de paisajes forestales en el Noroccidente Ecuatoriano: Deforestación y aspectos socioculturales. Serie de publicaciones misceláneas del INABIO 15:70-92
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Tamayo F, Torres B, Fischer R, Vargas JC, Torres A, Samaniego E, Torres CT, Ferrer Velasco R, Günter S (2020) Deforestación y aspectos socioculturales a nivel de paisajes en bosques tropicales de la Amazonía Ecuatoriana. Serie de publicaciones misceláneas del INABIO 15:24-68
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Ferrer Velasco R, Köthke M, Lippe M, Günter S (2020) Deforestation drivers in the tropics, do jurisdictional scale and context matter? Hamburg: Thünen Institute of International Forestry and Forest Economics, 1 p, Project Brief Thünen Inst 2020/08, DOI:10.3220/PB1581587318000
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Nansikombi H, Fischer R, Ferrer Velasco R, Lippe M, Kanungwe Kalaba F, Kabwe G, Günter S (2020) Deforestation in Zambia’s Miombo: Does governance play a notable role? Hamburg: Thünen Institute of International Forestry and Forest Economics, 1 p, Project Brief Thünen Inst 2020/19, DOI:10.3220/PB1603793282000
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Ferrer Velasco R, Köthke M, Lippe M, Günter S (2020) Scale and context dependency of deforestation drivers: Insights from spatial econometrics in the tropics. PLoS One 15(1):e0226830, DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0226830
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Fischer R, Tamayo F, Decker Mde, Ojeda Luna T, Zhunusova E, Eguiguren P, Ferrer Velasco R, Torres B, Giessen L, Günter S (2020) Uso de la tierra y gobernanza en paisajes forestales tropicales del Ecuador. Serie de publicaciones misceláneas del INABIO 15:152-172
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Lippe M, Ferrer Velasco R, Köthke M, Günter S (2017) Sub-national Forest Transitions: A matter of scale and regional drivers? In: International Union of Forest Research Organizations (ed) IUFRO 125th anniversary congress 2017 : 18-22 September 2017, Freiburg, Germany.