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© Thünen-Institut
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Institute of

AT Agricultural Technology


Database of multi-annual greenhouse gas field measurements in Germany available on the OpenAgrar platform

StaPlaRes-DB-Thünen: Three-year data set on gaseous field emissions and agronomic data in a urea fertilised rapeseed-winter wheat-winter barley crop sequence using inhibitors and subsurface placement at three sites in Germany

Experimental sites of the StaPlaRes-projects – Bernburg (B), Cunnersdorf (C) and Roggenstein (R)
© Thünen-Institut

Experimental sites of the StaPlaRes-projects – Bernburg (B), Cunnersdorf (C) and Roggenstein (R)

The database (StaPlaRes-DB-Thuenen) contains gaseous field emission as well as agronomic data and management activities for three years (2016/2017 – 2018/2019) from three field trials in Germany. The StaPlaRes project targets the mitigation of nitrogen emissions with two innovative urea fertilizer application techniques (nitrogen stabilization with inhibitors and subsurface placement “side dressing”).

The database and the associated publications are available at:

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