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Institute of

AT Agricultural Technology


Digestion of agricultural raw materials and residues

Agrarischer Roh- und Reststoffe
© Thünen-Institut
Agrarischer Roh- und Reststoffe

Investigation and validation of methods for the extraction of free sugars from agricultural raw materials and residues, evaluation of new technologies

Sugars from biomass are essential building blocks for the production of biobased chemicals. A comprehensive knowledge of their recovery is necessary in order to evaluate and develop efficient conversion processes.

Background and Objective

As in conventional refineries, the first process step in a biorefinery usually is the fractionation of biomass into the individual components. Carbohydrates are one of the main components of plant biomass. In free form, their underlying sugar building blocks are essential intermediates for the fermentative production of many bio-based bulk chemicals. This conversion works relatively efficiently with carbohydrates such as starch from corn or sucrose from sugar beets, but to prevent food competition, these raw materials are of very limited availability for the biorefineries. Alternative sources of carbohydrates are cellulose and hemicellulose, the main components of most agricultural products, especially of harvest residues such as straw, chaff or sugar beet pulp.

But cellulose and hemicellulose cannot simply be transferred to the required sugars, since they are usually bound in complex, very resistant composite structures. For the efficient use of raw materials, it is therefore necessary to convert in free sugars by digestion techniques. For this saccharification physical, chemical and biotechnological processes can be used. In the past, various methods and integrated processes have been developed. However, due to cost reasons, these have not been implemented in large scale plants yet.

In addition to the analysis and evaluation of existing and new digestion processes, a focus of our work lies in the development and optimization of new digestion methods and method combinations for efficient saccharification of agricultural raw materials and residues. We take into account both the specific requirements of the substrates as well as the requirements of the biotechnological or chemical catalytic follow-up processes.


The central elements of our work are:

  • Analysis and evaluation of known and development of new saccharification process
  • Substrate-specific development of saccharification methods and strategies taking into account the follow-up processes

For this purpose, we use a variety of technologies and analytical methods:

  • Mechanical-physical pretreatment using mills (analytical purposes: ultra-centrifugal and  ball mills; process development: hammer-, knife- and rotor beater mills)
  • Biomass composition analysis: According to NREL and other methods using both conventional and ion chromatographic methods which allow the qualitative and quantitative determination of all carbohydrates and potential degradation products
  • Saccharification of agricultural raw materials and residues with various high-pressure autoclaves (50 mL to 5 L; electric, steam and superheated microwave heating)
  • Optimization and evaluation of digestion methods, especially for high substrate concentration, optimization of choice and dosage supporting chemicals and enzymes by methods of statistical experimental design


Permanent task 1.2011 - 12.2025

Publications on the project

  1. 0

    Menya E, Okello C, Storz H, Wakatuntu J, Turyasingura M, Okot DK, Kizito S, Komakech AJ, Kabenge I, Rwahwire S, Olupot PW (2024) A review of progress on torrefaction, pyrolysis and briquetting of banana plant wastes for biofuels. Biomass Conversion Biorefinery: Online First, Oct 2024, DOI:10.1007/s13399-024-06204-x

  2. 1

    Menya E, Jjagwe J, Kalibbala HM, Storz H, Olupot PW (2023) Progress in deployment of biomass-based activated carbon in point-of-use filters for removal of emerging contaminants from water: A review. Chem Eng Res Des 192:412-440, DOI:10.1016/j.cherd.2023.02.045

  3. 2

    Ogwang G, Olupot PW, Kasedde H, Menya E, Storz H, Kiros Y (2021) Experimental evaluation of rice husk ash for applications in geopolymer mortars. J Biores Bioprod 6(2):160-167, DOI:10.1016/j.jobab.2021.02.008

  4. 3

    Mastrolitti S, Borsella E, Giuliano A, Petrone MT, De Bari I, Gosselink R, van Erven G, Annevelink E, Triantafyllidis KS, Stichnothe H, Storz H, Lange H, Bell G (2021) Sustainable lignin valorization : Technical lignin, processes and market development ; IEA Bioenergy: Task 42, October 2021. IEA Bioenergy, 193 p

  5. 4

    Menya E, Olupot PW, Storz H, Lubwama M, Kiros Y, John MJ (2020) Effect of alkaline pretreatment on the thermal behavior and chemical properties of rice husk varieties in relation to activated carbon production. J Therm Anal Calorim 139:1681-1691, DOI:10.1007/s10973-019-08553-6

  6. 5

    Menya E, Olupot PW, Storz H, Lubwama M, Kiros Y, John MJ (2020) Optimization of pyrolysis conditions for char production from rice husks and its characterization as a precursor for production of activated carbon. Biomass Conversion Biorefinery 10:57-72, DOI:10.1007/s13399-019-00399-0

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