Towards a bio-based economy

Biorafinery Concepts - State and Prospects (IEA Task 42)
Renewables are the centre piece of the bioeconomy. Sustainably produced biomass and innovative conversion routes are prerequisites for the efficient use of resources. Utilisation of organic residues is of particular importance due to the growing demand for food and feed. It is important to identify and consider trade-offs between different utilisation paths for biomass. Efficient use of resources helps to reduce the dependency on fossil resources in the long-term.
Background and Objective
The major challenge in the coming decades is to provide sufficient food for the growing population and also biomass to substitute fossil resources. The most pressing question is how to achieve that?
Target Group
Decision makers in policy and industry
We characterise and assess technologies, processes and products based on the whole life cycle in order to detect improvement options. Thus the most promising eco-efficient paths for the conversion of biomass can be identified.
Our Research Questions
Which environmental-friendly and resource-efficient techniques exist for particular biomass feedstock? What are the most economically competitive techniques that can also be used for the development of rural areas?
Links and Downloads
Involved external Thünen-Partners
- Wageningen University & Research (WUR)
(Wageningen, Niederlande) -
BioIndustry Partners
(Melbourne, Australien) - Joanneum Research Forschungsgesellschaft mbH
(Graz, Österreich) -
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada / Agriculture et Agroalimentaire Canada (AAC)
(Ottawa, Québec, Kanada) - Danish Technical University (DTU)
(Kopenhagen, Hirtshals, Charlottenlund, Dänemark) - ENEA C.R. TRISAIA
(Rome, Italien) - New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organisation (NEDO)
(Kawasaki, Japan) - SCION
(Rotorua, Neuseeland) -
US Department of Enegry
(Washington, Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika) - Avantium B.V.
(Amsterdam, Niederlande)
Funding Body
Internationale Energieagentur (IEA)
(international, öffentlich)
3.2007 - 12.2025
Publications on the project
- 0
Giuliano A, Stichnothe H, Pierro N, De Bari I (2024) Techno-economic analysis of territorial case studies for the integration of biorefineries and green hydrogen. Energies 17(23):5966, DOI:10.3390/en17235966
- 1
Annevelink B, Chavez LG, Ree R van, Vural Gursel I, Bell G, Mandl M, Lindorfer J, Hesser F, Hilz X, Stern T, Mussatto S, Stichnothe H, Leahy JJ, De Bari I, Motola V, Giuliano A, Jong E, Mossberg J, Shmorhun M (2022) Global biorefinery status report 2022 : IEA Bioenergy: Task 42 Biorefining in a circular economy. IEA Bioenergy, v, 88 p
- 2
Jong E, Stichnothe H, Bell G, Jorgensen H (2020) Bio-based chemicals : a 2020 update. IEA Bioenergy, 78 p, IEA Bioen Task 42 01/2020
- 3
Motola V, De Bari I, Pierro N, Giocoli A, Ree R van, Annevelink B, Stichnothe H, Jorgensen H, Bell G, Kostova B, Mclaughlin M, Mandl M, Bonsall B (2018) Bioeconomy and biorefining strategies in the EU Member States and beyond : Reference year 2018. IEA Bioenergy Task42, 98 p
- 4
Wenger J, Stern T, Schöggl J-P, Ree R van, de Corato U, De Bari I, Bell G, Stichnothe H (2018) Natural fibers and fiber-based materials in biorefineries : status report 2018. IEA Bioenergy, 56 p, IEA Bioen Task 42 Dec. 2018
- 5
Stichnothe H (2017) Sustainability evaluation. Adv Biochem Engineering Biotech 166:519-539, DOI:10.1007/10_2016_71
- 6
Hess JR, Lamers P, Stichnothe H, Beermann M, Jungmeier G (2016) Bioeconomy strategies. In: Lamers P, Searcy E, Hess JR, Stichnothe H (eds) Developing the global bioeconomy : technical, market, and environmental lessons from bioenergy. Amsterdam; Boston; Heidelberg: Elsevier, pp 1-9
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Stichnothe H, Meier D, De Bari I (2016) Biorefineries: industry status and economics. In: Lamers P, Searcy E, Hess JR, Stichnothe H (eds) Developing the global bioeconomy : technical, market, and environmental lessons from bioenergy. Amsterdam; Boston; Heidelberg: Elsevier, pp 41-68
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Lamers P, Searcy E, Hess JR, Stichnothe H (2016) Conclusions. In: Lamers P, Searcy E, Hess JR, Stichnothe H (eds) Developing the global bioeconomy : technical, market, and environmental lessons from bioenergy. Amsterdam; Boston; Heidelberg: Elsevier, pp 187-192
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Stichnothe H, Storz H, Meier D, De Bari I, Thomas S (2016) Development of second-generation biorefineries. In: Lamers P, Searcy E, Hess JR, Stichnothe H (eds) Developing the global bioeconomy : technical, market, and environmental lessons from bioenergy. Amsterdam; Boston; Heidelberg: Elsevier, pp 11-40
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Diaz-Chavez R, Stichnothe H, Johnson K (2016) Sustainability considerations to the future bioeconomy. In: Lamers P, Searcy E, Hess JR, Stichnothe H (eds) Developing the global bioeconomy : technical, market, and environmental lessons from bioenergy. Amsterdam; Boston; Heidelberg: Elsevier, pp 69-90
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Langeveld JWA, Guisson R, Stichnothe H (2015) Biogas supply chain [online]. IEA Bioenergy 2015:83-108, zu finden in <> [zitiert am 18.11.2015]
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Jungmeier G, Ree R van, Jong E, Jorgensen H, Walsh P, Wellisch M, Stichnothe H, De Bari I, Klembara M, Garnier G (2015) Possible role of a biorefinery's syngas platform in a biobased economy - assessment in IEA bioenergy task 42 "biorefining" [online]. In: Publications IEA Bioenergy Task 42 Biorefinery. Wageningen: IEA, zu finden in <> [zitiert am 18.08.2015]
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Bell G, Schuck S, Jungmeier G, Wellisch M, Felby C, Jorgensen H, Stichnothe H, Clancy M, De Bari I, Kimura S, Ree R van, Jong E, Annevelink B, Kwant K, Torr K, Spaeth J (2014) IEA bioenergy Task 42 biorefining : sustainable and synergetic processing of biomass into marketable food & feed ingedients, chemicals, materials and energy (fuels, power, heat). Wageningen: IEA, 63 p
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Jungmeier G, Stichnothe H, De Bari I, Joergensen H, Ree R van, Jong E, Wellisch M, Walsh P, Garnier G, Klembara M (2013) A biorefinery fact sheet for the sustainability assessment of energy driven biorefineries - efforts of IEA bioenergy task 42nd "biorefining". In: Proceedings / 21st European Biomass Conference and Exhibition : 3 - 7 June 2013, Copenhagen. Luxembourg: European Commission, pp 573-577, DOI:10.5071/21stEUBCE2013-2CO.5.5
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Stichnothe H, Ree R van, Jungmeier G (2013) IEA bioenergy Task42 biorefining - sustainable processing of biomass into a spectrum of marketable bio-based products and bioenergy. In: 52. Tutzing-Symposion : ein Jahr Bioraffinerie-Roadmap: Wo steht Deutschland im internationalen Vergleich? ; 9.-12. Juni 2013 ; Evangelische Akademie Schloss Tutzing am Starnberger See. Frankfurt a M: DECHEMA, p 34