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Institute of

OF Baltic Sea Fisheries


The Long Night of Sciences in Rostock this year was, again, a great success and of course the Institute of Baltic Sea Fisheries took part.

The Thünen Institute of Baltic Sea Fisheries has successfully launched a project to study survival rates of recreationally caught and released flatfish.

After a break due to Corona, the International Green Week is taking place again this year in Berlin as a trade fair for the general public. The Thünen Institute will participate with various activities.

On November 1, the young scientist Vivian Fischbach received the grant award of the "Baltic Sea Research Foundation" for her studies of the life stages of herring larvae.

The herring stock in the Western Baltic Sea has been producing fewer and fewer offspring for years. In our multimedia feature we explain how climate change impacts herring productivity and what we did over the last 15 years to discover this.

The Thünen Research Prizes 2021 for an outstanding science-oriented achievement and for excellent target group-oriented work have now been awarded at the Thünen Institute.

Is "our" herring of the western Baltic Sea migrating northward because of worsening climatic conditions?

Forschende ziehen eine Strandwade an Land

When the "Walther Herwig III" was not available for the sprat acoustic survey last year, we were able to charter the pelagic fish trawler "Kristin" as a replacement. During this year's acoustic survey in May, the two vessels met to compare whether they survey fish schools in the same way.

Die Kristin und die Walther Herwig III im Verbund

Nach der Corona-Pause ist der Ostseetag nach vier Jahren wieder zurück und lädt erneut mit spannendem Themen-Mix in den Rostocker Stadthafen ein.

Stefanie Haase erhält für ihre Dissertation den renommierten Annette-Barthelt-Preis für Meeresforschung. Sie ist die erste Thünen-Beschäftigte, die diesen Preis entgegennehmen darf.

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