How are cephalopod stocks changing and what are the consequences??
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Cephalopod in a fisheries context
Squids, cuttlefishes and octopuses belong to the class of cephalopods and built together with snails and mussles the animal phylum: Mollusca. The outer shell, typical of most mussels and snails, is reduced or even absent in most species of cephalopods. The term cephalopoda comes from the Greek kephalos = head and podos = foot. Cephalopods have been around for about 500 million years. They live marine and in brackish water. There are no freshwater or terrestrial forms. However, they can be found in almost all marine areas and all depths. Some species are pelagic (open water) others are benthic (bottom associated). All cephalopods are predators and mainly feed on other molluscs, crustaceans and fish.
Background and Objective
Climate change has been identified to cause various changes in the marine ecosystem in recent years. For example, the life cycle of fishes or the distribution of fish stocks has changed. Cephalopods seem to benefit from climate changes in many areas of the world as the animals expand their distribution and their biomass has increased. Consequently, the animals become interesting for fisheries in new areas. However, fishery regulations do not exist in most European countries and a stock assessment is not performed. Therefore, our aim is to analyse the changes of the cephalopod fauna, investigate their impact on the ecosystem and develope the scientific basis for a sustainable fishery management.
To document potential changes in the cephalopod community we use our standard fishery surveys where cephalopods are documented.
To evaluate the impact of cephalopods we investigate the trophic position by classical stomach content analysis and modern methods like stable isotope and genetic analysis.
To develope a sustainable management, we started to test various methods to identify the population structure and stocks. Furthermore, we investigate the life cycle and biology of this unique species.
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Involved Thünen-Partners
Permanent task 1.2019 - 12.2028
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Project status:
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Kremer KI, Hagen W, Oesterwind D, Duncan SE, Bode-Dalby M, Dorschner S, Dudeck T, Sell AF (2025) Trophic ecology of squids in the Benguela Upwelling System elucidated by combining stomach content, stable isotope and fatty acid analyses. Mar Biol 172(2):32, DOI:10.1007/s00227-024-04592-2
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Schäfer F, Oesterwind D, Sell AF, Kammann UKR (2024) Fatty acid analyses reveal differences in feeding ecology of North Sea squids that overlap in time and space. Food Webs 40:e00355, DOI:10.1016/j.fooweb.2024.e00355
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Bobowski BTC, Power AM, Burns F, Carbonara P, Cuccu D, Donnaloia M, Follesa MC, Moreno A, Sokolova IM, Valls M, Oesterwind D (2024) Stock discrimination of two European squids (Illex coindetii, Loligo forbesii) by statolith shape analysis. Fish Manag Ecol 31(3):e12689, DOI:10.1111/fme.12689
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Laptikhovsky V, Oesterwind D, Perales-Raya C (eds) (2024) Working Group on Cephalopod Fisheries and Life History (WGCEPH - outputs from 2023 meeting). Copenhagen: ICES, iv, 69 p, ICES Sci Rep 6(62), DOI:10.17895/
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Bobowski BTC, Power A-M, Pierce GJ, Moreno A, Iriondo A, Valeiras J, Sokolova IM, Oesterwind D (2023) Cephalopods, a gap in the European Marine Strategy Framework Directive and their future integration. Mar Biol 170(3):26, DOI:10.1007/s00227-022-04148-2
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Sheerin E, Power AM, Oesterwind D, Haak D, Abad E, Barnwall L, Petroni M, Sobrino I, Valeiras J, Allcock AL (2023) Evidence of phenotypic plasticity in Alloteuthis media (Linnaeus, 1758) from morphological analyses on North Sea specimens and DNA barcoding of the genus Alloteuthis Wülker, 1920 across its latitudinal range. Mar Biol 170(3):35, DOI:10.1007/s00227-023-04178-4
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Oesterwind D, Piatkowski U (2023) Stomach content analysis of North Sea cephalopods: often-overlooked predators with direct impact on commercially used fish species? Mar Biol 170(8):101, DOI:10.1007/s00227-023-04236-x
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Moreno A, Oesterwind D, Pierce G, Abad E, Ainsworth GB, Akselrud C, Allcock L, Badouvas N, Baker K, Barrett C, Bobowski BTC, Carreira X, Certain G, Dinis D, Escanez A, Fotiadis N, Ganias K, Golikov A, Gonzalez AF, Gonzalez Gomez R, et al (2023) Working Group on Cephalopod Fisheries and Life History (WGCEPH; Outputs from 2022 meeting). Copenhagen: ICES, 163 p, ICES Sci Rep 5(1), DOI:10.17895/
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Oesterwind D, Barrett CJ, Sell AF, Núñez-Riboni I, Kloppmann MHF, Piatkowski U, Wieland K, Laptikhovsky V (2022) Climate change-related changes in cephalopod biodiversity on the North East Atlantic Shelf. Biodiv Conserv 31(5-6):1491-1518, DOI:10.1007/s10531-022-02403-y
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Oesterwind D, Matos FL, Abad E, Certain G, Fotiadis N, Gonzales Á, Laptikhovsky V, Lishchenko F, Moreno A, Monteiro S, Montero C, Moustahfid H, Pierce GJ, Power AM, Robin J-P, Seixas S, Valeiras J (2022) CM 112: Spatial distribution of cephalopods of the European Shelf and their associated oceanographic parameters based on occurrence in standardized demersal fishing trawls. In: International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ed) ICES 2022 Theme session I - Invertebrate life in three-dimensional habitat. ICES Annual Science Conference 2022, Dublin, Ireland. Copenhagen: ICES, p 8, DOI:10.17895/
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Sheerin E, Barnwall L, Abad E, Oesterwind D, Petroni M, Sobrino I, Valeiras J, Power AM, Allcock L (2022) CM 197: Genetic and morphological assessment of Alloteuthis species in the North East Atlantic. In: International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ed) ICES 2022 Theme session I - Invertebrate life in three-dimensional habitat. ICES Annual Science Conference 2022, Dublin, Ireland. Copenhagen: ICES, p 14, DOI:10.17895/
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Sheerin E, Barnwall L, Abad E, Larivain A, Oesterwind D, Petroni M, Perales-Raya C, Robin J-P, Sobrino I, Valeiras J, O’Meara D, Pierce GJ, Allcock AL, Power AM (2022) Multi-method approach shows stock structure in Loligo forbesii squid. ICES J Mar Sci 79(4):1159-1174, DOI:10.1093/icesjms/fsac039
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Göpel A, Oesterwind D, Barrett C, Cannas R, Caparro LS, Carbonara P, Donnaloia M, Follesa MC, Larivain A, Laptikhovsky V, Lefkaditou E, Robin J-P, Begona Santos M, Sobrino I, Valeiras J, Valls M, Vieira HC, Wieland K, Bastrop R (2022) Phylogeography of the veined squid, Loligo forbesii, in European waters. Sci Rep 12:7817, DOI:10.1038/s41598-022-11530-z
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Laptikhovsky V, Allcock AL, Barnwall L, Barrett C, Cooke G, Drerup C, Firmin C, Lozach S, MacLeod E, Oesterwind D, Petroni M, Robin J-P, Sheerin E, Power A-M, Pierce GJ (2022) Spatial and temporal variability of spawning and nursery grounds of Loligo forbesii and Loligo vulgaris squids in ecoregions of Celtic Seas and Greater North Sea. ICES J Mar Sci 79(6):1918-1930, DOI:10.1093/icesjms/fsac128
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Lishchenko F, Perales-Raya C, Barrett C, Oesterwind D, Power AM, Larivain A, Laptikhovsky V, Karatza A, Badouvas N, Lishchenko A, Pierce GJ (2021) A review of recent studies on the life history and ecology of European cephalopods with emphasis on species with the greatest commercial fishery and culture potential. Fish Res 236:105847, DOI:10.1016/j.fishres.2020.105847
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Robin J-P, Abad E, Larivain A, Pierce GJ, Power A-M, Valeiras J, Dinis D, Gonzales Á, Iriondo A, Laptikovsky L, Larivain A, Macho G, Montero C, Moreno A, Oesterwind D, Perales-Raya C, Petroni M, Pierce G, Rocha A, Sobrino I (2021) EU Interreg Cephs & Chefs Project: Fisheries summaries report; Deliverable WP 4.2 [online]. Brussels: European Commission, 28 p, zu finden in <> [zitiert am 06.02.2023]
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Laptikhovsky V, Cooke G, Barrett C, Lozach S, MacLeod E, Oesterwind D, Sheerin E, Petroni M, Barnwall L, Robin J-P, Allcock AL, Power AM (2021) Identification of benthic egg masses and spawning grounds in commercial squid in the English Channel and Celtic Sea: Loligo vulgaris vs L. forbesii. Fish Res 241:106004, DOI:10.1016/j.fishres.2021.106004
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Barrett CJ, MacLeod E, Oesterwind D, Laptikhovsky V (2021) Ommastrephid squid spawning in the North Sea: oceanography, climate change and species range expansion. Scientia Marina 85(1):49-56, DOI:10.3989/scimar.05065.005
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Oesterwind D, Bobowski BTC, Brunsch A, Laptikhovsky V, Hal R van, Sell AF, Pierce GJ (2020) First evidence of a new spawning stock of Illex coindetii in the North Sea (NE-Atlantic). Fish Res 221:105384, DOI:10.1016/j.fishres.2019.105384
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Oesterwind D, Schaber M (2019) First evidence of Illex coindetii (Vérany, 1839) in the Baltic Sea and the Kattegat. Thalassas 36:143-147, DOI:10.1007/s41208-019-00178-8