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Institute of

OF Baltic Sea Fisheries

Ongoing projects • Fisheries management

Future Scenarious for Sustainable Marine Ecosystems of Contested Marine Areas

In "CoastalFutures", we elaborate science-based concepts for sustainable management of coasts, marine ecosystems and their resources. We develop an innovative model system to test future use scenarios and support analyses of possible management options.

Future Scenarious for Sustainable Marine Ecosystems of Contested Marine Areas

Structural Change Coastal Fisheries

Coastal fisheries change. Reduced catch opportunities put enormous economic pressure on the fishers. Thereby, fisheries are not exclusively a business. Fisheries is a centuries old cultural practice, which characterises coastal communities until now.


Fish stocks online (Fischbestände Online): Sustainable fish purchasing - but how?

Media and sourcing guides provide contradicting information on the condition of fish stocks. Can a fish dealer still offer North Sea cod without bad conscience? What about the state of herring in the Baltic Sea? Is there any sustainably harvested hake stock available?

Fish stocks online (Fischbestände Online): Sustainable fish purchasing - but how?

German marine angling program

Next to the commercial fishery the recreational fishery plays an important role concerning the removal of biomass from fish stocks. For certain species recreational fishery catches can have a significant share of the total landings. In addition to its importance for the scientific stock assessment recreational fishery has particular commercial relevance.

German marine angling program

Finished projects • Fisheries management

Governance analysis of the Common Fisheries Policy

How is fishing regulated in European waters? What are the strengths and weaknesses of the EU’s fisheries policy? How could a different fisheries policy look like? These questions are addressed by the project.

Governance analysis of the Common Fisheries Policy

Catch Quota Management Pilot

Catch Quota Management Pilot

Developement of an Electronic Monitoring System to controll fisheries (Fish'EM)

The aim of the project ‘Fish'EM’ was to develop concepts and procedures for an electronic monitoring system as a basis for a catch quota management (CQM). After the evaluation of the comprehensive theoretical concept of the EM system, the developed EM system was tested on a total of 14 research trips. In August 2015 the pre-prototype of the EM system was installed on a commercial vessel. The pre-prototyp of the EM system has been designed and co-ordinated in very close co-operation with the fisheries and the control authorities - the future expected users of the development.

Developement of an Electronic Monitoring System to controll fisheries (Fish'EM)

Agent-based modelling of angler behaviour

The project contributes to a better understanding of the behaviour of recreational anglers and their responses to management decisions as precondition for sustainable recreational fisheries management.

Agent-based modelling of angler behaviour

Sea angling in Germany

In the last decades recreational fishing has seen a rapid development worldwide. The numbers of anglers has increased substantially in the developed countries but also in the developing world. Moreover, the recreational fishery has seen many technological improvements.

Sea angling in Germany

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