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Dr. Carsten Riepe

Institute of Baltic Sea Fisheries

until December 31st, 2017

Fields of Activity

  • Contributing to the German Sea Angling Program (DMAP)
  • Analyses of data from nationwide general population and angler surveys about marine recreational fisheries

Research Interests

  • Interactions between social and biological systems (with focus on aquatic ecosystems)
  • Human dimensions of natural resources
  • Empirical social research

Scientific Background

until 31.12.2017: Postdoc, Thünen Institute of Baltic Sea Fisheries, Rostock, Germany

2012 - 2017: Postdoc, Leibniz-Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries (IGB), Berlin, Germany, Project Besatzfisch and SalmoInvade

2011 - 2012: Survey Researcher, University of Mannheim, Germany, DFG Collaborative Research Center 884 (Political Economy of Reforms)

2010 - 2011: Social scientist (freelancer), Wiesbaden, Germany (

2010: Dr. phil. (PhD) in psychology, University of Hamburg, Germany

2008 - 2009: Research Scientist, Leibniz-Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries (IGB), Berlin, Germany, Project Adaptfish

1998 - 2006: Lecturer, Department of Psychology, University of Hamburg, Germany

1991 - 2008: Research Manager and Data Analyst in market research agencies, Hamburg and Lüneburg, Germany

1987 - 1994: Diplom-Psychologe (master's degree in psychology), University of Hamburg, Germany


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    Arlinghaus R, Koemle D, Riepe C, Strehlow HV, Weltersbach MS, Lewin W-C (2023) 2.2 Angelfischerei. Berichte des IGB 33:121-135, DOI:10.4126/FRL01-006453300

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    Strehlow HV, Korzhenevych A, Lucas J, Lewin W-C, Weltersbach MS, Riepe C, Arlinghaus R (2023) Economic impact of resident and nonresident marine anglers to the local economy in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Germany. Fish Manag Ecol: Online First, Oct 2023, DOI:10.1111/fme.12664

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    Lewin W-C, Weltersbach MS, Haase K, Riepe C, Strehlow HV (2023) Potential biases in angler diary data: The impact of the diarist recruitment process on participation rates, catch, harvest, and effort estimates. Fish Res 258:106551, DOI:10.1016/j.fishres.2022.106551

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    Lewin W-C, Weltersbach MS, Haase K, Riepe C, Skov C, Gundelund C, Strehlow HV (2021) Comparing on-site and off-site survey data to investigate survey biases in recreational fisheries data. ICES J Mar Sci 78(7):2528-2546, DOI:10.1093/icesjms/fsab131

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    Arlinghaus R, Lucas J, Weltersbach MS, Kömle D, Winkler HM, Riepe C, Kühn C, Strehlow HV (2021) Niche overlap among anglers, fishers and cormorants and their removals of fish biomass: A case from brackish lagoon ecosystems in the southern Baltic Sea. Fish Res 238:105894, DOI:10.1016/j.fishres.2021.105894

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    Weltersbach MS, Riepe C, Lewin W-C, Strehlow HV (2021) Ökologische, soziale und ökonomische Dimensionen des Meeresangelns in Deutschland. Braunschweig: Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, 210 p, Thünen Rep 83, DOI:10.3220/REP1611578297000

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    Jaric I, Riepe C, Gessner J (2018) Sturgeon and paddlefish life history and management: Experts' knowledge and beliefs. J Appl Ichthyol 34(2):244-257, DOI:10.1111/jai.13563


    Riepe, C., Fujitani, M., Kochalski, S. & Arlinghaus, R. (2017, March). Explaining public biodiversity conservation behavior - Results of a one-year follow-up survey. Paper presented at the SalmoInvade Final Meeting and International Stakeholder Workshop. Kristineberg, Sweden.  

    Riepe, C., Meyerhoff, J., Fujitani, M., Kochalski, S. & Arlinghaus, R. (2017, March). Managing rivers for a good ecological status generates economic benefits and indirectly conserves salmonid biodiversity - A choice experiment in 4 European countries. Paper presented at the SalmoInvade Final Meeting and International Stakeholder Workshop. Kristineberg, Sweden.  

    Riepe, C., Fujitani, M., Cucherousset, J.; Pagel, T., Buoro, M., Santoul, F., Lassus, R. & Arlinghaus, R. (2017, March). Psychological and contextual determinants of the intention to alter fish stocking practices in German and French angling clubs: Are clubs that stock nonnative salmonids different? Paper presented at the SalmoInvade Final Meeting and International Stakeholder Workshop. Kristineberg, Sweden.  

    Arlinghaus, R., Riepe, C., & Fujitani, M. (2017, March). The social dimension of fish stocking – an overview. Paper presented at the SalmoInvade Final Meeting and International Stakeholder Workshop. Kristineberg, Sweden.  

    Kochalski, S., Riepe, C., Fujitani, M., Aas, Ø. & Arlinghaus, R. (2017, March). Cross-cultural differences in public perception of aquatic biodiversity and river biodiversity. Paper presented at the SalmoInvade Final Meeting and International Stakeholder Workshop. Kristineberg, Sweden.  

    Riepe, C., Kochalski, S., Fujitani, M., Meyerhoff, J. & Arlinghaus, R. (2016, October). Fischartenschutz – Salmoniden, Aal und Stör: Wissen, Wahrnehmung und Präferenzen in der deutschen Bevölkerung [Fish species protection – Salmonids, eel and sturgeon: Knowledge, perception and preferences among the German public]. Paper presented at the 6. Dialog am Müggelsee. Berlin, Germany.  

    Jarić, I., Riepe, C. & Gessner, J. (2016, September). What we know and what we think we know about sturgeons and paddlefish. Paper presented at the NASPS Annual Meeting. Hood River, Oregon, USA.  

    Fujitani, M., Meyerhoff, J., Riepe, C., Kochalski, S. & Arlinghaus, R. (2016, September). Public willingness to pay for biodiversity of migratory fishes: A four-country discrete choice experiment. Paper presented at the ECSA 56 symposium. Bremen, Germany.  

    Kochalski, S., Riepe, C., Fujitani, M. & Arlinghaus, R. (2016, September). Cross-cultural differences in public perceptions of aquatic biodiversity and conservation. Paper presented at the ECSA 56 symposium. Bremen, Germany.  

    Theis, S., Fujitani, M., Riepe, C. & Arlinghaus, R. (2016, August). Typologie deutscher Angelvereine in Bezug auf die bevorzugt eingesetzten Hegemethoden [Typology of German angling clubs based on their preferred methods of fisheries management]. Poster presented at the Deutscher Fischereitag 2016. Potsdam, Germany.  

    Kochalski, S., Riepe, C., Fujitani, M. & Arlinghaus, R. (2016, August). Was der Bauer nicht kennt ...? Interkulturelle Unterschiede in der öffentlichen Wahrnehmung von heimischen Fischarten und biologischer Vielfalt [Can the habits of a lifetime be changed? Intercultural differences in public perception of native fish species and biodiversity]. Poster presented at the Deutscher Fischereitag 2016. Potsdam, Germany.  

    Arlinghaus, R. & Riepe, C. (2016, August). Urbanisierung, Wertewandel und gesellschaftliche Akzeptanz des Angelns in Deutschland [Urbanization, value change and the acceptance of angling among the German public]. Paper presented at the Deutscher Fischereitag 2016. Potsdam, Germany.  

    Arlinghaus, R., Cyrus, E.-M., Eschbach, E., Fujitani, M., Hühn, D., Johnston, F., Pagel, T. & Riepe, C. (2015, December). The dual role of active adaptive management: ecological learning and learning for sustainability: a summary of the “Stocked Fish” project. Paper presented at the Institute for Hydrobiology and Fisheries Science. Hamburg, Germany.  

    Arlinghaus, R., Cyrus, E.-M., Eschbach, E., Fujitani, M., Hühn, D., Johnston, F., Pagel, T. & Riepe, C. (2015, November). Effektive Kommunikation von Prinzipien zum nachhaltigen Fischbesatz an Angelvereine – ein inter- und transdisziplinärer Ansatz [Effective communication of principles of sustainable fish stocking to angling clubs – An inter- and transdisciplinary approach]. Paper presented at the 12. Tagung der Gesellschaft für Ichthyologie (GfI). Berlin, Germany.  

    Riepe, C., Pagel, T., Hilsberg, J., Beardmore, B., McFall, A., Meyerhoff, J. & Arlinghaus, R. (2015, June). The human dimensions of stocking in German angling clubs. Paper presented at the EIFAAC International Symposium. Lillehammer, Norway.  

    Riepe, C. & Arlinghaus, R. (2015, June). Moral evaluation of catch-and-release practices by the German public. Paper presented at the EIFAAC International Symposium. Lillehammer, Norway.  

    Arlinghaus, R., Cyrus, E.-M., Fujitani, M., Eschbach, E., Johnston, F., Hühn, D., Pagel, T. & Riepe, C. (2015, June). A transdisciplinary sustainability science route to sustainable fish stocking in recreational fisheries. Paper presented at the EIFAAC International Symposium. Lillehammer, Norway.  

    Johnston, F. D., Allen, M. S., Riepe, C., Beardmore, B., Pagel, T. & Arlinghaus, R. (2015, June). The costs and benefits of stocking reproducing and non-reproducing species: A bioeconomic modelling approach. Paper presented at the EIFAAC International Symposium. Lillehammer, Norway.  

    Arlinghaus, R. & Riepe, C. (2015, April). Angeln und Tierschutz - Hintergründe, Gedanken, Perspektiven? [Angling and animal welfare – Background, thoughts, perspectives?]. Paper presented at the Fischereitag 2015 of the Verband für Fischerei und Gewässerschutz in Baden-Württemberg e. V. Mühlacker, Germany.  

    Arlinghaus, R. & Riepe, C. (2015, March). Urbanisierung, Wertewandel und gesellschaftliche Akzeptanz des Angelns und Jagens in Deutschland [Urbanization, value shift and societal acceptance of angling and hunting in Germany]. Paper presented at the 12. Fachtagung Jagd und Artenschutz. Jena, Germany.  

    Riepe, C., McFall, A. & Arlinghaus, R. (2014, November). Bedeutung von Fischbesatz für norddeutsche Vereinsangler [The significance of fish stocking for club anglers in northern Germany]. Poster presented at the Abschlussveranstaltung Besatzfisch. Hannover, Germany.  

    Riepe, C., Liebe, U. & Arlinghaus, R. (2014, November). Besatzentscheidungen in deutschen Angelvereinen verstehen [Understanding stocking decisions made in German angling clubs]. Poster presented at the Abschlussveranstaltung Besatzfisch. Hannover, Germany.  

    Riepe, C., Beardmore, B., Pagel, T., Meyerhoff, J. & Arlinghaus, R. (2014, November). Was bestimmt die Angelqualität aus Sicht der Angler? [What determines the quality of an angling experience from the anglersʼ point of view?]. Poster presented at the Abschlussveranstaltung Besatzfisch. Hannover, Germany.  

    Pagel, T., Riepe, C., Hilsberg, J., Beardmore, B., McFall, A., Meyerhoff, J. & Arlinghaus, R. (2014, November). Die ökonomische und soziale Seite von Fischbesatz [Economic and social perspectives of fish stocking]. Paper presented at the Abschlussveranstaltung Besatzfisch. Hannover, Germany.  

    Johnston, F. D., Allen, M. S., Riepe, C., Beardmore, B., Pagel, T. & Arlinghaus, R. (2014, November). Kosten-Nutzen von Fischbesatzmaßnahmen mit Hecht und Karpfen [Cost-benefit analysis of fish stocking measures with pike and common carp]. Poster presented at the Abschlussveranstaltung Besatzfisch. Hannover, Germany.  

    Nickl, J., Pagel, T., Riepe, C. & Arlinghaus, R. (2014, November). Besatzfisch aus Sicht der beteiligten Vereine [Evaluation of the Besatzfisch project from the perspective of the participating clubs]. Poster presented at the Abschlussveranstaltung Besatzfisch. Hannover, Germany.  

    Riepe, C. & Arlinghaus, R. (2014, October). Human dimension aspects of salmonid invasions. Paper presented at the SalmoInvade International Stakeholder Workshop. Göteborg, Sweden.  

    Arlinghaus, R., Hühn, D., Fujitani, M., Pagel, T., McFall, A., Eschbach, E. & Riepe, C. (2014, September). A sustainability science route to sustainable fish stocking. Paper presented at the 7th World Recreational Fishing Conference. Campinas, Brazil.  

    Arlinghaus, R., Riepe, C., , Pagel, T., Beardmore, B. & Hilsberg, J. (2014, July). Social and economic dimensions of fish stocking. Keynote speech delivered at the Fisheries Society of the British Isles 2014 Annual Symposium. Hull, UK.  

    Johnston, F. D., Allen, M. S., Riepe, C., Beardmore, B. & Arlinghaus, R. (2014, July). A bioeconomic approach to investigating trade-offs among stocking and harvest regulations to manage recreational fisheries. Paper presented at the Fisheries Society of the British Isles 2014 Annual Symposium. Hull, UK. 

    Riepe, C. & Arlinghaus, R. (2014, June). Moral acceptability of recreational fishing among the German general public – Results from a representative survey. Paper presented at the 20th International Symposium on Society and Resource Management (ISSRM). Hannover, Germany.  

    Arlinghaus, R., Cyrus, E.-M., Eschbach, E., Hühn, D., Riepe, C. & Pagel, T. (2014, June). A transdisciplinary sustainability science route to sustainable fish stocking in recreational fisheries. Paper presented at the 20th International Symposium on Society and Resource Management (ISSRM). Hannover, Germany.  

    Arlinghaus, R., Hühn, D., Pagel, T., Eschbach, E., McFall, A. & Riepe, C. (2013, September). Abschlusspräsentation des Besatzfisch Projekts [Final presentation of the Besatzfisch project]. Paper presented at the FONA Forum. Bonn, Germany.  

    Blom, A. G., Gathmann, C., Holthausen, A. & Riepe, C. (2012, March). The German Internet Panel: Design of a probability-based online survey. Paper presented at the General Online Research 2012 conference (GOR 12). Mannheim, Germany.  

    Blom, A. G., Gathmann, C. & Riepe, C. (2011, August). Concept and structure of the “German Internet Panel” (GIP). Paper presented at the 5th Measurement and Experimentation in the Social Sciences (MESS) workshop. Oisterwijk, the Netherlands.  

    Arlinghaus, R. & Riepe, C. (2011, August). Do shifts in wildlife value orientations affect the moral acceptability of recreational fishing in post-industrialized societies? Paper presented at the 6th World Recreational Fishing Conference (WRFC). Berlin, Germany.  

    Gathmann, C. & Riepe, C. (2011, July). Konzept und Struktur des German Internet Panel [Concept and structure of the German Internet Panel]. Paper presented at the 5. Workshop der Panel Surveys in Deutschland. Wiesbaden, Germany.  

    Arlinghaus, R. & Riepe, C. (2010, September). Do shifts in wildlife value orientations affect the moral acceptability of recreational fishing in post-industrialized societies? Paper presented at the Pathways to Success 2010 conference: Integrating Human Dimensions into Fish and Wildlife Management. Estes Park, Colorado, USA.  

    Riepe, C. & Arlinghaus, R. (2009, April). Animal welfare issues in the context of recreational fisheries: How is angling perceived and evaluated by the general population in Germany? Paper presented at the Open Meeting 2009 of the International Human Dimensions Programme on Global Environmental Change (IHDP). Bonn, Germany.  

    Riepe, C. (2005/2006). Vorstellung der Marktforschung als Tätigkeitsfeld für Psychologen [Introduction to market research as an occupational field for psychologists]. Invited presentations given in seminars for graduate students. University of Hamburg, Department of Psychology. Hamburg, Germany.  

    Riepe, C. & Lamprecht, G. (2004, May). Konzept-Produkt-Tests in der FMCG Marktforschung - Anwendungsmöglichkeiten, Durchführung, Auswertung [Concept-product tests in FMCG market research - Application, realisation, interpretation]. Paper presented at the 5. Kongress für Wirtschaftspsychologie. Hamburg, Germany. Published in: S. M. Schmitz-Buhl (Ed.), Wirtschaftspsychologie: Perspektiven für die Zukunft (pp. 37-38). Heidelberg, Germany: Verlagsgruppe Hüthig.  

    Riepe, C. (2003, October). Alltägliches Ernährungsverhalten aus psychologischer Sicht [Psychological perspectives of everyday nutrition behaviour]. Invited presentation given at the quarterly congregation of market and social researchers in North Germany (Regionalabend des Berufsverbandes Deutscher Markt- und Sozialforscher e. V., BVM). Hamburg, Germany.  

    Riepe, C. & Buse, L. (1999, October). Die Experience-Sampling-Method (ESM) als Instrument der Befindlichkeitsmessung unter Alltagsbedingungen [The experience-sampling method (ESM) as an instrument for measuring day-to-day mood]. Paper presented at the 20. Kongreß für Angewandte Psychologie des Berufsverbandes Deutscher Psychologinnen und Psychologen e. V. (BDP). Berlin, Germany. Published in: G. Krampen, H. Zayer, W. Schönpflug, & G. Richardt (Eds.), Beiträge zur Angewandten Psychologie (pp. 457-460). Bonn, Germany: Deutscher Psychologen Verlag.

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