Application-oriented carbon budget modeling of organic soils
Application-oriented carbon budget modeling of organic soils
How can GHG emissions from German organic soils be estimated and used for emission reporting and evaluation of mitigation measures?
Background and Objective
The project "Application-oriented carbon budget modeling of organic soils (ACMOSS)" aims to extend existing models for the calculation of greenhouse gas emissions from organic soils by the complex water balance of organic soils and to test their application on large scales.Synthesis work on measurement and modeling will provide the basis for science-based evaluation land-use strategies and mitigation measures as well as improve emission reporting.
In this project, existing emission models as well as soil hydrological models will be evaluated regarding their applicability on organic soils and their suitability for regionalization. Existing measurement data from previous projects will be used for this purpose.
The necessary parameter scope is not implemented in current regionalization approaches. Therefore, future work should aim at the extensive integration of existing parameter databases from soil hydrological modelling into regionalisation approaches in order to improve emission reporting for organic soils.
Project brief (german only): DOI:10.3220/PB1684765727000
Involved Thünen-Partners
2.2018 - 1.2022
More Information
Project status:
- 0
Piayda A, Tiemeyer B (2023) Anwendungsorientierte Modellierung des Kohlenstoffhaushalts von organischen Böden. Braunschweig: Thünen-Institut für Agrarklimaschutz, 2 p, Project Brief Thünen Inst 2023/27, DOI:10.3220/PB1684765727000
- 1
Huang X, Silvennoinen H, Klove B, Regina K, Kandel TP, Piayda A, Karki S, Laerke PE, Höglind M (2021) Modelling CO2 and CH4 emissions from drained peatlands with grass cultivation by the BASGRA-BGC model. Sci Total Environ 765:144385, DOI:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.144385