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Ökologischer Betrieb
© BLE, Bonn/Thomas Stephan
Ökologischer Betrieb
Institute of

BW Farm Economics

All publications of Petra Dieker

  1. 0

    Kroiher F, Michler B, Ammer C, Blaschke M, Daur N, Degen B, Dieker P, Elmer M, Gärtner S, Goßner MM, Kätzel R, Kleinschmit J, Krüger I, Meyer P, Michel AK, Sanders TGM, Wirth C, Züghart W, Bolte A (2024) 3. Fachworkshop "Nationales Biodiversitätsmonitoring im Wald (NaBioWald)" : Januar 2024, online. Braunschweig: Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, 48 p, Thünen Working Paper 242, DOI:10.3220/WP1717056148000

  2. 1

    Kasiske T, Dauber J, Dieker P, Harpke A, Klimek S, Kühn E, Levers C, Schwieder M, Settele J, Musche M (2024) Assessing landscape-level effects of permanent grassland management and landscape configuration on open-land butterflies based on national monitoring data. Biodiv Conserv 33(8-9):2381-3404, DOI:10.1007/s10531-024-02861-6

  3. 2

    Hellwig N, Sommerlandt FMJ, Grabener S, Lindermann L, Sickel W, Krüger L, Dieker P (2024) Six steps towards a spatial design for large-scale pollinator surveillance monitoring. Insects 15(4):229, DOI:10.3390/insects15040229

  4. 3

    Sickel W, Zizka V, Scherges A, Bourlat SJ, Dieker P (2023) Abundance estimation with DNA metabarcoding - recent advancements for terrestrial arthropods. Metabarcoding & Metagenomics 7:e112290, DOI:10.3897/mbmg.7.112290

  5. 4

    Lindermann L, Krüger L, Dieker P (2023) Automated identification of hatching cavity-nesting wild bees and wasps. In: Brückner D, Kietzmann K (eds) Book of abstracts : 52nd Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland ; Leipzig - 12-16 September 2023. Berlin: Gesellschaft für Ökologie, p 796

  6. 5

    Sickel W, Kulow J, Krüger L, Dieker P (2023) BEE-quest of the nest: A novel method for eDNA-based, nonlethal detection of cavity-nesting hymenopterans and other arthropods. Environmental DNA 5(6):1163-1176, DOI:10.1002/edn3.490

  7. 6

    Kirmer A, Schmidt A, Schubert LF, Hellwig N, Dieker P, Tischew S (2023) Evaluating the ecological effectiveness of perennial wildflower strips. In: Brückner D, Kietzmann K (eds) Book of abstracts : 52nd Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland ; Leipzig - 12-16 September 2023. Berlin: Gesellschaft für Ökologie, p 162

  8. 7

    Sommerlandt FMJ, Sickel W, Hellwig N, Krüger L, Dieker P (2023) Spatial arrangement of flower strips has little impact on population genomic parameters of three wild bee species. In: Brückner D, Kietzmann K (eds) Book of abstracts : 52nd Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland ; Leipzig - 12-16 September 2023. Berlin: Gesellschaft für Ökologie, p 755

  9. 8

    Kasiske T, Klimek S, Dauber J, Dieker P, Harpke A, Kühn E, Musche M, Schwieder M, Settele J (2023) Testing the effects of grassland mowing regimes and landscape configuration on butterflies at large spatial scales. In: Brückner D, Kietzmann K (eds) Book of abstracts : 52nd Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland ; Leipzig - 12-16 September 2023. Berlin: Gesellschaft für Ökologie, p 389

  10. 9

    Mupepele A-C, Hellwig N, Dieker P, Klein A-M (2023) What evidence exists on wild-bee trends in Germany? Research protocol for a systematic map. PROCEED, 6 p, DOI:10.57808/proceed.2023.2

  11. 10

    Sickel W, Krüger L, Lindermann L, Sommerlandt FMJ, Dieker P (2023) Wild bee monitoring in agricultural landscapes - An integrative approach for genetic diversity monitoring. In: Brückner D, Kietzmann K (eds) Book of abstracts : 52nd Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland ; Leipzig - 12-16 September 2023. Berlin: Gesellschaft für Ökologie, p 753

  12. 11

    Hellwig N, Stahl J, Ogan S, Sommerlandt FMJ, Grabener S, Lindermann L, Sickel W, Krüger L, Lakemann L, Dieker P (2023) Wild-bee trend monitoring in agricultural landscapes: Spatial design from the national to the local scale. In: Brückner D, Kietzmann K (eds) Book of abstracts : 52nd Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland ; Leipzig - 12-16 September 2023. Berlin: Gesellschaft für Ökologie, p 752

  13. 12

    Lindermann L, Grabener S, Fornoff F, Hopfenmüller S, Schiele S, Stahl J, Dieker P (2023) Wildbienen und Wespen in Nisthilfen bestimmen : Ein Bestimmungsschlüssel für Deutschland ; Ratgeber. Braunschweig: Thünen-Institut für Biodiversität, 132 p, DOI:10.3220/MX1685523077000

  14. 13

    Hellwig N, Schubert LF, Kirmer A, Tischew S, Dieker P (2022) Effects of wildflower strips, landscape structure and agricultural practices on wild bee assemblages - A matter of data resolution and spatial scale? Agric Ecosyst Environ 326:107764, DOI:10.1016/j.agee.2021.107764

  15. 14

    Schubert LF, Hellwig N, Kirmer A, Schmid-Egger C, Schmidt A, Dieker P, Tischew S (2022) Habitat quality and surrounding landscape structures influence wild bee occurrence in perennial wildflower strips. Basic Appl Ecol 60:76-86, DOI:10.1016/j.baae.2021.12.007

  16. 15

    Sommerlandt FMJ, Hellwig N, Grabener S, Schulz-Kesting K, Dieker P (2021) Concept for a nationwide bumblebee monitoring in agricultural landscapes - collecting data on the status and trend of a key pollinator group and identifying landscape level effects. Verhandl Gesellsch Ökol 50: 46

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    Sickel W, Kulow J, Dieker P (2021) DNA metabarcoding in insect biodiversity monitoring - an application of eDNA for non-lethal detection of wild bees. Verhandl Gesellsch Ökol 50: 40

  18. 17

    Ulber L, Dieker P (2021) Monitoring der biologischen Vielfalt in Agrarlandschaften - Projekte aus dem Braunschweiger Land (MonViA). Landwirtsch Braunschweiger Land:88-91

  19. 18

    Lindermann L, Stahl J, Dieker P (2021) Standardized nesting aids as sampling method for monitoring cavity nesting wild bees in agricultural landscapes. Verhandl Gesellsch Ökol 50: 37

  20. 19

    Hellwig N, Schubert LF, Kirmer A, Tischew S, Dieker P (2021) Wild bee assemblages on wildflower strips: Data resolution and spatial scale are key to disentangling effects of landscape structure and agricultural practices. Verhandl Gesellsch Ökol 50: 111

  21. 20

    Mupepele A-C, Hellwig N, Dieker P, Klein A-M (2021) Wild-bee trends in Germany and their drivers for change - Research protocol for a systematic review [online]. , zu finden in <> [zitiert am 27.01.2022]

  22. 21

    Dieker P, Klimek S, Dauber J (2021) Zielbilder für Biodiversität in Agrarlandschaften. Geogr Rundsch(5):36-39

  23. 22

    Pe'er G, Bonn A, Bruelheide H, Dieker P, Eisenhauer N, Feindt PH, Hagedorn G, Hansjürgens B, Herzon I, Lomba A, Marquard E, Moreira F, Nitsch H, Oppermann R, Perino A, Röder N, Schleyer C, Schindler S, Wolf C, Zinngrebe Y, Lakner S (2020) Action needed for the EU Common Agricultural Policy to address sustainability challenges. People Nature 2(2):305-316, DOI:10.1002/pan3.10080

  24. 23

    Lindermann L, Dieker P (2020) Hohlräume für die wilden Bestäuber. Bauernzeitg 61(30):24-25

  25. 24

    Muenchow J, Dieker P, Böttcher T, Brock J, Didenko G, Fremout T, Jakubka D, Jentsch A, Nüst D, Richter M, Rodriguez EF, Rodriguez RA, Rollenbeck R, Salazar Zarsosa P, Schratz P, Brenning A (2020) Monitoring and predictive mapping of floristic biodiversity along a climatic gradient in ENSO's terrestrial core region, NW Peru. Ecography 43(12):1878-1890, DOI:10.1111/ecog.05091

  26. 25

    Sickel W, Dieker P (2020) Neues Werkzeug: Umwelt-DNA. Bauernzeitg 61(46):22-23

  27. 26

    Pe'er G, Lakner S, Seppelt R, Bezak P, Bonn A, Concepción ED, Creutzig F, Daub C-H, Diaz M, Dieker P, Eisenhauer N, Hagedorn G, Hansjürgens B, Harrer-Puchner G, Herzon I, Hickler T, Jetzkowitz J, Kazakova Y, Kindlmann P, Röder N, et al (2020) The EU's common agriculture policy and sustainable farming: A statement by scientists. Genève: Zenodo, 23 p, DOI:10.5281/zenodo.4311314

  28. 27

    Sommerlandt FMJ, Dieker P (2020) Wirksam für die Bienen? Bauernzeitg 61(29):26-27

  29. 28

    Dauber J, Dieker P, Beer H, Schröder S (2019) Auf der Suche nach wissenschaftlich belastbaren Antworten : Monitoring der biologischen Vielfalt in Agrarlandschaften. Dt Bauern Korrespondenz(6):14-15

  30. 29

    Dieker P, Dauber J (2019) Biodiversity monitoring schemes and indicators - challenges and feasibilities. In: GfÖ 2019 : Science meets practice ; 49th Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland ; University of Münster, 9 - 13 September 2019 ; book of abstracts. Berlin: Gesellschaft für Ökologie, p 550

  31. 30

    Dauber J, Dieker P, Nürnberger F (2019) Das Aktionsprogramm Insektenschutz aus Sicht der agrarökologischen Forschung. In: GfÖ 2019 : Science meets practice ; 49th Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland ; University of Münster, 9 - 13 September 2019 ; book of abstracts. Berlin: Gesellschaft für Ökologie, p 182

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    Dieker P, Beer H, Schröder S, Dauber J (2019) MonViA - a long term farmland biodiversity monitoring for Germany. In: GfÖ 2019 : Science meets practice ; 49th Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland ; University of Münster, 9 - 13 September 2019 ; book of abstracts. Berlin: Gesellschaft für Ökologie, p 553

  33. 32

    Dieker P, Kappes H, Klimek S, Dauber J (2019) Progress in farmland biodiversity monitoring in Germany. In: IALE World Congress 2019 - Nature and society facing the Anthropocene: challenges and perspectives for landscape ecology; 10th World Congress of the International Association for Landscape Ecology (IALE); Milan, 1-5 July 2019; book of abstracts. p 18

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    Franzen M, Dieker P, Schrader J, Helm A, (2019) Rapid plant colonization of the forelands of a vanishing glacier is strongly associated with species traits. Arctic Antarctic Alpine Res 51(1):366-378, DOI:10.1080/15230430.2019.1646574

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