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Ökologischer Betrieb
© BLE, Bonn/Thomas Stephan
Ökologischer Betrieb
Institute of

BW Farm Economics

Contributions to journals / magazines

Contributions in reviewed journals / magazines of Petra Dieker

  1. 0

    Kasiske T, Dauber J, Dieker P, Harpke A, Klimek S, Kühn E, Levers C, Schwieder M, Settele J, Musche M (2024) Assessing landscape-level effects of permanent grassland management and landscape configuration on open-land butterflies based on national monitoring data. Biodiv Conserv 33(8-9):2381-3404, DOI:10.1007/s10531-024-02861-6

  2. 1

    Lindermann L, Grabener S, Hellwig N, Stahl J, Dieker P (2024) Citizen science-based monitoring of cavity-nesting wild bees and wasps - Benefits for volunteers, insects, and ecological science. Citizen Sci Theory Practice 9(1):22, DOI:10.5334/cstp.632

  3. 2

    Hellwig N, Sommerlandt FMJ, Grabener S, Lindermann L, Sickel W, Krüger L, Dieker P (2024) Six steps towards a spatial design for large-scale pollinator surveillance monitoring. Insects 15(4):229, DOI:10.3390/insects15040229

  4. 3

    Sickel W, Zizka V, Scherges A, Bourlat SJ, Dieker P (2023) Abundance estimation with DNA metabarcoding - recent advancements for terrestrial arthropods. Metabarcoding & Metagenomics 7:e112290, DOI:10.3897/mbmg.7.112290

  5. 4

    Sickel W, Kulow J, Krüger L, Dieker P (2023) BEE-quest of the nest: A novel method for eDNA-based, nonlethal detection of cavity-nesting hymenopterans and other arthropods. Environmental DNA 5(6):1163-1176, DOI:10.1002/edn3.490

  6. 5

    Hellwig N, Schubert LF, Kirmer A, Tischew S, Dieker P (2022) Effects of wildflower strips, landscape structure and agricultural practices on wild bee assemblages - A matter of data resolution and spatial scale? Agric Ecosyst Environ 326:107764, DOI:10.1016/j.agee.2021.107764

  7. 6

    Schubert LF, Hellwig N, Kirmer A, Schmid-Egger C, Schmidt A, Dieker P, Tischew S (2022) Habitat quality and surrounding landscape structures influence wild bee occurrence in perennial wildflower strips. Basic Appl Ecol 60:76-86, DOI:10.1016/j.baae.2021.12.007

  8. 7

    Pe'er G, Bonn A, Bruelheide H, Dieker P, Eisenhauer N, Feindt PH, Hagedorn G, Hansjürgens B, Herzon I, Lomba A, Marquard E, Moreira F, Nitsch H, Oppermann R, Perino A, Röder N, Schleyer C, Schindler S, Wolf C, Zinngrebe Y, Lakner S (2020) Action needed for the EU Common Agricultural Policy to address sustainability challenges. People Nature 2(2):305-316, DOI:10.1002/pan3.10080

  9. 8

    Muenchow J, Dieker P, Böttcher T, Brock J, Didenko G, Fremout T, Jakubka D, Jentsch A, Nüst D, Richter M, Rodriguez EF, Rodriguez RA, Rollenbeck R, Salazar Zarsosa P, Schratz P, Brenning A (2020) Monitoring and predictive mapping of floristic biodiversity along a climatic gradient in ENSO's terrestrial core region, NW Peru. Ecography 43(12):1878-1890, DOI:10.1111/ecog.05091

  10. 9

    Schielzeth H, Dieker P (2020) The green-brown polymorphism of the club-legged grasshopper Gomphocerus sibiricus is heritable and appears genetically simple. BMC Evol Biol 20:63, DOI:10.1186/s12862-020-01630-7

  11. 10

    Franzen M, Dieker P, Schrader J, Helm A, (2019) Rapid plant colonization of the forelands of a vanishing glacier is strongly associated with species traits. Arctic Antarctic Alpine Res 51(1):366-378, DOI:10.1080/15230430.2019.1646574

    Contributions in non-reviewed journals / magazines of Petra Dieker

    1. 0

      Ulber L, Dieker P (2021) Monitoring der biologischen Vielfalt in Agrarlandschaften - Projekte aus dem Braunschweiger Land (MonViA). Landwirtsch Braunschweiger Land:88-91

    2. 1

      Dieker P, Klimek S, Dauber J (2021) Zielbilder für Biodiversität in Agrarlandschaften. Geogr Rundsch(5):36-39

    3. 2

      Lindermann L, Dieker P (2020) Hohlräume für die wilden Bestäuber. Bauernzeitg 61(30):24-25

    4. 3

      Sickel W, Dieker P (2020) Neues Werkzeug: Umwelt-DNA. Bauernzeitg 61(46):22-23

    5. 4

      Sommerlandt FMJ, Dieker P (2020) Wirksam für die Bienen? Bauernzeitg 61(29):26-27

    6. 5

      Dauber J, Dieker P, Beer H, Schröder S (2019) Auf der Suche nach wissenschaftlich belastbaren Antworten : Monitoring der biologischen Vielfalt in Agrarlandschaften. Dt Bauern Korrespondenz(6):14-15

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