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Further Publications of Susanne Padel

  1. 0

    Orsini S, Costanzo A, Solfanelli F, Zanoli R, Padel S, Messmer MM, Winter E, Schaefer F (2020) Factors affecting the use of organic seed by organic farmers in Europe. Sustainability 12(20):8540, DOI:10.3390/su12208540

  2. 1

    Padel S (2019) Chapter 13: Setting and reviewing standards for organic farming. Burleigh Dodds Ser Agric Sci 47:345-364

  3. 2

    Bliss K, Padel S, Cullen B, Ducottet C, Mullender S, Rasmussen IA, Moeskops B (2019) Exchanging knowledge to improve organic arable farming: an evaluation of knowledge exchange tools with farmer groups across Europe. Organic Agric 9:383-398, DOI:10.1007/s13165-018-0238-6

  4. 3

    Padel S (2019) Principles of organic animal farming. Burleigh Dodds Ser Agric Sci 46:13-27

  5. 4

    Knudsen MT, Dorca-Preda T, Djoma SN, Pena N, Padel S, Smith LG, Zollitsch W, Hörtenhuber S, Herrmansen JE (2019) The importance of including soil carbon changes, ecotoxicity and biodiversity impacts in environmental life cycle assessments of organic and conventional milk in Western Europe. J Cleaner Prod 215:433-443, DOI:10.1016/j.jclepro.2018.12.273

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    Padel S, Levidow L, Pearce B (2019) UK farmers' transition pathways towards agroecological farm redesign: evaluating explanatory models. Agroecol Sustain Food Syst:in Press, DOI:10.1080/21683565.2019.1631936

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    Sacchi G, Cei L, Stefani G, Lombardi GV, Rocchi B, Belletti G, Padel S, Sellars A, Gagliardi E, Nocella G, Cardey S, Mikkola M, Ala-Karvia U, Macken-Walsh A, McIntyre B, Hyland J, Henchion M, Bocci R, Bussi B, Santis Giuseppe de, et al (2018) A multi-actor literature review on alternative and sustainable food systems for the promotion of cereal biodiversity. Agriculture 8(11):173, DOI:10.3390/agriculture8110173

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    Orsini S, Padel S, Lampkin N (2018) Labour use on organic farms: a review of research since 2000. Organic Farming 4(1):7-15, DOI:10.12924/of2018.04010007

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    Hashem S, Migliore G, Schifani G, Schimmenti E, Padel S (2018) Motives for buying local, organic food through English Box Schemes. Brit Food J 120(7):1600-1614

  10. 9

    Naspetti S, Mandolesi S, Buysse J, Latvala T, Nicholas P, Padel S, van Loo EJ, Zanoli R (2017) Determinants of the acceptance of sustainable production strategies among dairy farmers: Development and testing of a modified technology acceptance model. Sustainability 9(10):1805, DOI:10.3390/su9101805

  11. 10

    Padel S (2017) Introduction to global markets and marketing of organic food. In: Kareklas I, Muehling DD (eds) Deciphering organic foods : a comprehensive guide to organic food production, consumption, and promotion. New York: Nova Science Publishers, pp 187-216

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    Scollan ND, Padel S, Halberg N, Herrmansen JE, Nicholas P, Rinne M, Zanoli R, Zollitsch W, Lauwers L (2017) Organic and low-input dairy farming: Avenues to enhance sustainability and competitiveness in the EU. EuroChoices 16(3):40-45, DOI:10.1111/1746-692X.12162

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    Lampkin N, Measures M, Padel S (eds) (2017) Organic farm management handbook. Newbury: Organic Research Centre

  14. 13

    Home R, Gerrard CL, Hempel C, Lost'ak M, Vieweger A, Husák J, Stolze M, Hamm U, Padel S, Willer H, Vairo D, Zanoli R (2017) The quality of organic market data: providing data that is both fit for use and convenient. Organic Agric 7(2):141-152, DOI:10.1007/s13165-016-0147-5

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    Schader C, Baumgart L, Landert J, Muller A, Ssebunya B, Blockeel J, Weisshaidinger R, Petrasek R, Meszaros D, Padel S, Gerrard CL, Smith LG, Lindenthal T, Niggli U, Stolze M (2016) Using the sustainability monitoring and assessment routine (SMART) for the systematic analysis of trade-offs and synergies between sustainability dimensions and themes at farm level. Sustainability 8(3):274, DOI:10.3390/su8030274

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    Hietala S, Smith LG, Knudsen MT, Kurppa S, Padel S, Herrmansen JE (2015) Carbon footprints of organic dairying in six European countries - real farm data analysis. Organic Agric 5(2):91-100, DOI:10.1007/s13165-014-0084-0

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    Padel S, Vaarst M, Zaralis K (2015) Supporting innovation in organic agriculture: A European perspective using experience from the SOLID project. Sustain Agric Res 4(3):32-41, DOI:10.5539/sar.v4n3p32

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    Zanoli R, Gambelli D, Solfanelli F, Padel S (2014) Assessing the risk of non-compliance in UK organic agriculture: An econometric analysis. Brit Food J 116(8):1369-1382, DOI:10.1108/BFJ-10-2012-0262

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    Marchand F, Debruyne L, Triste L, Gerrard CL, Padel S, Lauwers L (2014) Key characteristics for tool choice in indicator-based sustainability assessment at farm level. Ecol Soc 19(3):46, DOI:10.5751/ES-06876-190346

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    Padel S, Foster C (2013) Chapter 11: Simplified administration and management of the organic farming legislation. In: Evaluation of the EU legislation on organic farming. Endbericht für die EU-Kommission. Braunschweig: Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, pp 219-233

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    Padel S, Adams L, Foster C (2013) Chapter 6: Adequacy of the scope of the Regulation. In: Evaluation of the EU legislation on organic farming. Endbericht für die EU-Kommission. Braunschweig: Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, pp 53-71

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    Padel S, Vieweger A, Nocentini L, Devot A, Schmid O, Stolze M (2013) Chapter 7: Adequacy of the production rules. In: Evaluation of the EU legislation on organic farming. Endbericht für die EU-Kommission. Braunschweig: Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, pp 73-130

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    Gerrard CL, Janssen M, Smith LG, Hamm U, Padel S (2013) UK consumer reactions to organic certification logos. Brit Food J 115(5):727-742, DOI:10.1108/00070701311331517

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    Ekert S, Döring T, Häring AM, Lampkin N, Murphy-Bokern D, Otto K, Padel S, Vieweger A (2012) Evaluation des Bereichs Forschung und Entwicklung im Bundesprogramm Ökologischer Landbau. Bonn: Bundesanstalt für Landwirtschaft und Ernährung

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    Schmid O, Padel S, Levidow L (2012) The bio-economy concept and knowledge base in a public goods and farmer perspective. Bio-Based App Econ 1(1):47-63

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    Gerrard CL, Padel S, Moakes S (2012) The use of Farm Business Survey data to compare the environmental performance of organic and conventional farms. Int J Agric Manag 2(1):5-16, DOI:10.5836/ijam/2013-01-02

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    Padel S, Röcklinsberg H, Schmid O (2009) The implementation of organic principles and values in the European Regulation for organic food. Food Policy 34(3):245-251, DOI:10.1016/j.foodpol.2009.03.008

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    Padel S (2008) Values of organic producers converting at different times: Results of a focus group study in five European countries. Int J Agr Res Gov Ecol 7(1):63-77

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    Geier B, Källander I, Lampkin N, Padel S, Sligh M, Niggli U, Vogt G, Lockeretz W (2007) A look towards the future. In: Lockeretz W (ed) Organic farming : an international history. Wallingford: CAB International, pp 264-274

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    Padel S, Lampkin N (2007) Chapter 8: The development of governmental support for organic farming in Europe. In: Lockeretz W (ed) Organic farming : an international history. Wallingford: CAB International, pp 93-122

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    Padel S, Foster C (2005) Exploring the gap between attitudes and behaviour: understanding why consumers buy or do not buy organic food. Brit Food J 107(8):606-625, DOI:10.1108/00070700510611002

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    Vaarst M, Padel S, Hovi M, Younie D, Sundrum A (2005) Sustaining animal health and food safety in European organic livestock farming. Livest Prod Sci 94(1-2):61-69, DOI:10.1016/j.livprodsci.2004.11.033

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    Padel S, Midmore P (2005) The development of the European market for organic products: insights from a Delphi study. Brit Food J 107(8):626-646, DOI:10.1108/00070700510611011

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    Nicholas P, Padel S, Cuttle SP, Fowler SM, Hovi M, Lampkin N, Weller RF (2004) Organic dairy production - A review. Biol Agric Hortic 22(3):217-249, DOI:10.1080/01448765.2004.9755287

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    Padel S, Schmid O, Lund V (2004) Organic livestock standards. In: Vaarst M, Roderick S, Lund V, Lockeretz W (eds) Animal health and welfare in organic agriculture. Wallingford: CAB International, pp 57-70

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    Padel S (2002) Conversion to organic milk production : the change process and farmers' information needs. Aberystwyth: University of Wales, Aberystwyth, Univ of Wales, Diss, 2002

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    Padel S, Lampkin N, Dabbert S, Foster C (2002) Organic farming policy in the European Union. Adv Econ Environ Resources 4:169-194

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    Padel S (2001) Conversion to Organic Farming: A typical example of the diffusion of an innovation? Sociologia Ruralis 41(1):40-61, DOI:10.1111/1467-9523.00169

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    Lampkin N, Padel S, Foster C (2001) Entwicklung und politische Rahmenbedingungen des ökologischen Landbaus in Europa. Agrarwirtschaft 50(7):390-394

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    Padel S, Michelsen J (2001) Institutionelle Rahmenbedingungen der Ausdehnung des ökologischen Landbaus : Erfahrungen aus drei europäischen Ländern. Agrarwirtschaft 50(7):395-399

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    Padel S, Lampkin N, Foster C (1999) Influence of policy support on the development of organic farming in the European Union. Int Plann Stud 4(3):303-315, DOI:10.1080/13563479908721744

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    Padel S, Lampkin N (1994) Conversion to organic farming : an overview. In: Lampkin N, Padel S (eds) The economics of organic farming : an international perspective. Wallingford: CAB International, pp 295-313

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    Padel S, Lampkin N (1994) Farm level performance of organic farming systems : an overview. In: Lampkin N, Padel S (eds) The economics of organic farming : an international perspective. Wallingford: CAB International, pp 201-219

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    Lampkin N, Padel S (1994) Organic farming and agricultural policy in Western Europe. In: Lampkin N, Padel S (eds) The economics of organic farming : an international perspective. Wallingford: CAB International, pp 437-456

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    Lampkin N, Padel S (eds) (1994) The economics of organic farming : an international perspective. Wallingford: CAB International

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    Padel S, Zerger U (1994) The economics of organic farming in Germany. In: Lampkin N, Padel S (eds) The economics of organic farming : an international perspective. Wallingford: CAB International, pp 91-115

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    Neuerburg W, Padel S (eds) (1992) Organisch-biologischer Landbau in der Praxis : Umstellung, Betriebs- und Arbeitswirtschaft, Vermarktung, Pflanzenbau und Tierhaltung. München; Basel; Wien: BLV-Verlagsges, 311 p

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