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ADAPT Forest Timber

© Thünen-Institut WO/Öko
Buchekronen ohne Belaubung von unten fotografiert

Adaptive forest resource management for a future-oriented wood bioeconomy in the region of Brandenburg-Berlin

Within the project a group of young researcher develops an adaptive system for forest management and wood ustilisation. This is focussed on an ecosystem- and resource-oriented wood value chain from forest management over wood provision to timber processing.

Background and Objective

The project is aimed at concepting and developing an adaptive and integrative forest - wood use management system for the region Brandenburg-Berlin using Scots pine as a example tree species. This implies methods of sustainable integrative forest management, the efficient wood provision as well as the utilisation of regional timber assortments.


Within the project we will install a forest living lab to test and simulate novel forest management approaches. In another work package given forest harvest and logitic concepts will be futher developed including novel options of data networking. Finally, we will  design new approaches for Scots pine timber utilisation to increase the local value creation in particular as resource for the building sector. These analyses will be complemented with transfer activities from science to practice along the wood value chain from forest to the wood procduct.

Funding Body

  • Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)
    (national, öffentlich)


2.2023 - 1.2026

More Information

Project status: ongoing


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