Together with colleagues from Potsdam and Turku (Finland), the Thünen scientists Tobias Brügmann, Birgit Kersten and Matthias Fladung from Großhansdorf have modified the PCBER1 gene in poplar by increasing and decreasing the gene expression. The modified poplars were grown in the greenhouse. While the plants with PCBER1 upregulation remained unremarkable, plants with PCBER1 downregulation showed up to 38% increased height growth.
Detailed information:
Bruegmann T, Wetzel H, Hettrich K, Smeds A, Willför S, Kersten B, Fladung M (2019) Knockdown of PCBER1, a gene of neolignan biosynthesis, resulted in increased poplar growth. Planta 249:515-525
Dr. Tobias Brügmann,
PD Dr. Matthias Fladung,
04/05/2019 | T. Brügmann