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Wavy grain maple

Involved Institutes HF Institute of Wood Research

Maple Trees

Development of biotechnological methods for the identification, conservation, propagation and use of selected maple trees with wavy grain for timber production

Development of biotechnological methods for the identification, conservation, propagation and use of selected maple trees with wavy grain for timber production

Background and Objective

Wavy grain maple is one of the most expensive hardwoods in Central Europe. In the frame of this project, biotechnological methods for the propagation of valuable wavy grain maple material and for the long-term conservation of genetically characterized clones will be developed. In addition, investigations towards the heritability and recognizability of the wavy grain will be conducted. Another aim is to elucidate the causes of wavy grain. At this stage, studies on genetic and epigenetic levels and at the level of endophyte / pathogen screenings will be carried out. Based on these results, a unique technique for the molecular biological detection of the wavy grain on living trees will be developed. The plant material positively proven towards the wavy grain will be used for the development of an efficient, commercially applicable in vitro propagation protocol, with the aim of being marketed as a high quality reproductive material.


In the frame of this project, biotechnological methods for the propagation of valuable wavy grain maple material and for the long-term conservation of genetically characterized clones will be developed. The plant material positively proven towards the wavy grain will be used for the development of an efficient, commercially applicable in vitro propagation protocol, with the aim of being marketed as a high quality reproductive material.


Involved external Thünen-Partners

Funding Body

  • Landwirtschaftliche Rentenbank
    (national, privat)


12.2015 - 6.2019

More Information

Project funding number: 776 393
Funding program: Innovationsförderung
Project status: finished


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