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Induction of early flowering in poplar to speed up breeding for resistance to diseases

Breeding of forest trees has internationally, but also in Germany, a long tradition.

Background and Objective

Trees have, however, because of its long use and reproduction periods, the disadvantage that a significant breeding selection for economically important characteristics is very limited. Thus, shortening of the breeding cycle would represent a realistic opportunity to fasten forest tree breeding significantly.


Buttomakesuretheproduct rangeandthequalityofforesttrees alsoin the future, theabove mentioneddisadvantageinterms of predicted climate change,whichwillprobablyfaster occurasageneticadaptationof treesispossible,couldhavedramaticeconomicandlabour marketconsequences.
Asolution to thisdilemmacouldrepresenttheintegrationofearly floweringgenotypesinthebreeding processoftrees.Suchearly floweringlinesareeitheravailable asnaturalmutants arising fromnormal floweringrepresentativesorcanbeproduced bythegenetictransfer of specialflowering-enhancinggenes.

Funding Body

  • Federal Ministry of Food und Agriculture (BMEL)
    (national, öffentlich)


2.2011 - 8.2021

More Information

Project status: finished


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    Hönicka H, Lehnhardt D, Polak O, Fladung M (2012) Early flowering and genetic containment studies in transgenic poplar. iForest 5:138-146, DOI:10.3832/ifor0621-005

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    Hönicka H, Lautner S, Klingberg A, Koch G, El-Sherif F, Lehnhardt D, Zhang B, Burgert I, Odermatt J, Melzer S, Fromm J, Fladung M (2012) Influence of over-expression of the FLOWERING PROMOTING FACTOR 1 gene (FPF1) from Arabidopsis on wood formation in hybrid poplar (Populus tremula L. x P. tremuloides Michx.). Planta 235(1):359-373

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