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Genetic monitoring network for European beech and Norway spruce in Germany

Establishment of a genetic monitoring network for European beech and Norway spruce in Germany to evaluate the genetic adaptability to climate change

A genetic monitoring network will be installed for beech and fir in Germany for the first time. The main goal is to assess the status of the genetic system of different populations as well as its dynamics in time and space

Background and Objective

Within the project a genetic monitoring network will be installed for beech and fir in Germany for the first time. The main goal is to assess the genetic variation and the status of the genetic system of different populations as well as its dynamics in time and space on the basis of criteria, indicators and verifiers. Therewith the effects of factors influencing the genetic system in the forests can be estimated and valuated. The genetic monitoring network will comprise 14 plots for beech and 10 plots for fir. The methodology is based on the "Concept of a Genetic Monitoring of Forest Tree Species in the Federal Republic of Germany" but takes into account also experiences from punctual pilot studies. On each plot both genetic and phenological observation will be conducted. Genetic investigations will be based on neutral nuclear microsatellites. Based on the genotypes of the adult trees, natural regeneration and the seeds indicators for genetic processes (e.g. genetic multiplicity, diversity and allele distribution) will be calculated. New adaptive markers (SNP) related with phenotypical traits will be developed. In order to identify any critical development caused by human intervention or climate change the temporal and spatial dynamics of the genetic and demographical composition of tree populations will be simulated based on empirical monitoring data.


The project work will be divided in seven work packages as follows:
AP1 - Project coordination and data base management
AP2 - Continuation of monitoring for beech on already installed plots
AP3 - Installation of new genetic monitoring plots for beech
AP4 - Installation of new genetic monitoring plots for spruce
AP5 - Genetic analysis (beech and spruce)
AP6 - Data evaluation and simulation studies
AP7 - Methodological enhancements (improvements)

Involved external Thünen-Partners

Funding Body

  • Federal Office for Agriculture and Food (BLE)
    (national, öffentlich)


5.2016 - 3.2020

More Information

Project funding number: 28W-C-4-092-10
Funding program: Waldklimafonds (Programmbestandteil des Sondervermögens Energie- und Klimafonds)
Project status: finished


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