FraxProMicAnalyses of the microbiome for identification and selection of potential antagonists and their evaluation in planta against the causative agent of ash dieback
GBOLII-rustsDetermination of rusts on woody plants by barcoding as part of the joint project GBOLII (German Barcode of Life)
Phytopathogens in ForestsDiagnostics and species distinction of pyhtopathogenic fungi are needed to avoid or to reduce the impact of new diseases in forests.
PhytoUlmusThe Occurrence and Distribution of the Quarantine Pest Organism Candidatus Phytoplasma ulmi in Elm Species in Germany
ResEscheConservation of common ash (Fraxinus excelsior by establishment of a seed orchard with clones with resistance against ash dieback; Sub-project 2: Phytopathological and gentical characterisation and vegetative propagation of healthy plus trees
ResVirGenetic elements involved in sensibility, tolerance or resistance against pathogens are analysed with the aim to provide plant material for sustainable forests
Testing of clones of poplar and willow for production of energy wood in short rotation coppiceThe Thuenen Institute of Forest Genetics owns a large collection of clones of the genus Populus and Salix. The suitability for short rotation coppice purposes of these clones will be tested under special consideration of rust resistance.