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Institute of

FG Forest Genetics

Dr. habil. Bernd Degen

Institute of Forest Genetics

Sieker Landstraße 2
22927 Großhansdorf
+49 4102 696 101
+49 4102 696 200
+49 4102 696 101

Head of the Institute of Forest Genetics

1987-1993: Study of forestry at Georg-August-University Göttingen, Germany  

1993-1996: Doctorate at faculty of forestry at Georg-August-University Göttingen with doctoral thesis in forest genetics: ‘Modellgestützte Systemanalyse der Dynamik adaptiver Potentiale von Baumpopulationen’ (‘System analysis of the dynamics of adaptive potentials of tree populations by use of computer models’)  

10/1998 – 05/2004: Scientist and head of the forest genetic lab at INRA (INSTITUT NATIONAL DE LA RECHERCHE AGRONOMIQUE) in Kourou, French Guyana  

Since 06/2004: Director and Professor / Head of the Thuenen Institute of Forest Genetics, Germany  

Since 2004: Editor-in-Chief of the international journal Silvae Genetica

12/2005: Habilitation at the Department of Biology at the University of Hamburg about the theme: “Studies on structure and dynamics of genetic variation of tree populations in temperate and tropical forests – contributions to a comparison”, Venia legendi for the area Applied Botany  

Since 2004: National coordinator of Germany for the European Network of Forest Genetic Resources (EUFORGEN)


Focus of actual research:

  • Large scale genetic inventories of trees using SNP-arrays
  • Genome-wide-association studies and genetic selection
  • Optimizing breeding strategies


Development of computer programs in the fields of population genomics and quantitative genetics

  • Program for the analysis of spatial genetic structures (SGS)
  • Program to assign the geographic origin based on genetic and metric data (GeoAssign)
  • Program for population genetic data analysis (GDA_NT 2021)
  • Program to optimize sampling and breeding strategies using genomic data (SNPscan)



  1. 0

    Pakull B, Degen B, Schröder H, Riedel T, Mader M, Liesebach H, Hoffmann P, Hoppe S, Eusemann P (2025) Hybridization, spatial genetic structure and potential environmental preadaptation in Quercus robur and Quercus petraea in Germany - results from the 4th National Forest Inventory. Tree Genetics Genomes 21(2):11, DOI:10.1007/s11295-025-01695-9

  2. 1

    Kroiher F, Michler B, Ammer C, Blaschke M, Daur N, Degen B, Gärtner S, Goßner MM, Kätzel R, Kleinschmit J, Krüger I, Meyer P, Michel AK, Storch F, Wirth C, Bolte A (2024) 2. Fachworkshop "Nationales Biodiversitätsmonitoring im Wald (NaBioWald)" : April 2023, Leipzig. Braunschweig: Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, 65 p, Thünen Working Paper 241, DOI:10.3220/WP1717052228000

  3. 2

    Kroiher F, Michler B, Ammer C, Blaschke M, Daur N, Degen B, Dieker P, Elmer M, Gärtner S, Goßner MM, Kätzel R, Kleinschmit J, Krüger I, Meyer P, Michel AK, Sanders TGM, Wirth C, Züghart W, Bolte A (2024) 3. Fachworkshop "Nationales Biodiversitätsmonitoring im Wald (NaBioWald)" : Januar 2024, online. Braunschweig: Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, 48 p, Thünen Working Paper 242, DOI:10.3220/WP1717056148000

  4. 3

    Köhne JC, Buchen-Tschiskale C, Appelt J, Schwarz T, Schröder H, Degen B (2024) Comparison of three milling methods for wood homogenisation for stable isotope and element analyses. In: ASI 2024 43th Meeting of the German Association for Stable Isotope Research "Stable isotopes in geoscience, ecology, environmental science, medicine, and forensics": 30 September-2 October 2024; Book of abstracts. p 22

  5. 4

    Bouka GUD, Doumenge C, Ekue MRM, Duminil J, Florence J, Degen B, Loumeto JJ, McKey D, Hardy OJ (2024) Genetic differentiation in Khaya Ivorensis A. Chev., a threaten tree of evergreen African rainforests. Tree Genetics Genomes 20(6):41, DOI:10.1007/s11295-024-01676-4

  6. 5

    Lazic D, Geßner C, Liepe KJ, Lesur-Kupin I, Mader M, Blanc-Jolivet C, Gömöry D, Liesebach M, González-Martínez SC, Fladung M, Degen B, Müller NA (2024) Genomic variation of a keystone forest tree species reveals signals of local adaptation despite high levels of phenotypic plasticity [Preprint]. Cold Spring Harbor: bioRxiv, 20 p, DOI:10.1101/2023.05.11.540382

  7. 6

    Lazic D, Geßner C, Liepe KJ, Lesur-Kupin I, Mader M, Blanc-Jolivet C, Gömöry D, Liesebach M, González-Martínez SC, Fladung M, Degen B, Müller NA (2024) Genomic variation of European beech reveals signals of local adaptation despite high levels of phenotypic plasticity. Nature Comm 15:8553, DOI:10.1038/s41467-024-52933-y

  8. 7

    Yanbaev Y, Degen B, Yumaguzhin F, Nikolenko A, Gabitov I, Chudov I (2024) Spatial analysis of genetic variation in a natural population of the dark forest bee (Apis mellifera mellifera L.) from the Southern Urals (Russia). Int J Environ Stud 81(3):1441-1454, DOI:10.1080/00207233.2022.2058768

  9. 8

    Capo LFM, Degen B, Blanc-Jolivet C, Tysklind N, Cavers S, Mader M, Meyer-Sand BRV, Paredes-Villanueva K, Honorio Coronado EN, Garcia-Davila CR, Troispoux V, Delcamp A, Sebbenn AM (2024) Timber tracking of Jacaranda copaia from the Amazon Forest using DNA fingerprinting. Forests 15(8):1478, DOI:10.3390/f15081478

  10. 9

    Degen B, Müller NA (2023) A simulation study comparing advanced marker-assisted selection with genomic selection in tree breeding programs. G3 Genes Genomes Genetics 13(10):jkad164, DOI:10.1093/g3journal/jkad164

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