Dr. Zoéwindé Henri-Noël Bouda
Institute of Forest Genetics
Sieker Landstraße 222927 Großhansdorf
- Telephone
- +49 4102 696 149
- Fax
- +49 4102 696 200
- henri.bouda@thuenen.de
Coordinator of sampling in "Large scale" Project in Ecological Genetics Unit
1990-1995: Forest Engineer degree at University of Tiaret and University of Tlemcen (Algeria)
10/1995-06/1996: Teacher of biology (Life Sciences) at Lycée Phillipe Zinda Kaboré (High School), Burkina Faso
11/1995-08/1996: Inventory and study of natural regeneration of Parkia biglobosa in Burkina Faso at the National Forest Seeds Centre (CNSF), Burkina Faso
02/1997-01/2000: Adviser of Local Development at Bureau d’Etude Apui-Recherche-Action-Conseil, Burkina Faso
03/2000-10/2003: Head of Environmental Section at Programme Eau et Environnement du Nord, Burkina Faso
11/2003-02/2010 : Researcher at the Regional Office of Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), Burkina Faso
2007-2013: PhD in Plant Ecophysiology at University of Copenhagen (Denmark) with PhD thesis on “Adaptive properties of Adansonia digitata L. (Baobab) & Parkia biglobosa (Jacq.) R.Br. (African Locust Bean) to drought stress”
04/2012-07/2015: Technical Coordinator of the ITTO project on “Development and implementation of a species identification and timber tracking system with DNA fingerprints and stable isotopes in Africa” at Thünen Institute of Forest Genetics, Germany
Since 08/2015: Coordinator of sampling for “LargeScale project on genetic timber verification” at Thünen Institute of Forest Genetics, Germany
- LargeScale project on genetic timber verification -(LargeScale); BMEL “Internationale nachhaltige Waldwirtschaft”, 10/2014-12/2017
- Development and implementation of a species identification and timber tracking system in Africa with DNA fingerprints and stable isotopes (ITTO Africa II), 02/2012-07/2015
Degen B, Bouda ZH-N (2015) Verifying timber in Africa. ITTO Trop For Update 24(1):8-10
Bouda ZH-N (2014) Adaptive properties of Adansonia digitata L. (Baobab) & Parkia biglobosa (Jacq.) R.Br. (African Locust Bean) to drought stress. PhD Thesis. University of Copenhagen, Denmark. ISBN 978-87-7903-665-9
Bouda ZH-N, Bayala J, Markussen B, Jensen JS, Ræbild A (2014) Reactions of Adansonia digitata L. provenances to long-term stress at seedling stage. Agroforest Syst. DOI 10.1007/s10457-014-9746-x
Bouda ZH-N, Bayala J, Markussen B, Jensen JS, Ræbild A (2013) Provenance variation in survival, growth and dry matter partitioning of Parkia biglobosa (Jacq.) R.Br. ex G.Don seedlings in response to water stress. Agroforest Syst (87) 59-71. DOI 10.1007/s10457-012-9521-9.
Jensen JS, Bayala J, Sanou H, Korbo A, Ræbild A, Kambou S, Tougiani A, Bouda ZH-N, Larsen AS, Parkouda C (2011) A research approach supporting domestication of Baobab (Adansonia digitata L.) in West Africa. New Forests (41) 317-335. DOI 10.1007/s11056-011-9246-z.
Bouda ZH-N (2010) Environmental services from the dry forests of Africa. Chapter of book entitled “The Dry Forests and Woodlands of Africa: managing for products and services” The Earthscan Forest Library. July 2010. 288 pages ISBN 9781849711319
Bouda ZH-N (2010) Guide d’action collective (guide to support the collective action of forest products based small enterprises). Published in 4 languages (French, Moore, Nuni and Fulfulde). CIFOR. Bogor, Indonésie.
Bouda ZH-N (2009) Gestion participative des forêts et réduction de la pauvreté : quelle réalité ? Cas des chantiers d’aménagement forestier au Burkina Faso. Newsletter of PEN (001-002) :5-6.
Bouda ZH-N, Tiveau D, Savadogo P, Ouédraogo B (2009) State, Forest and Community: Challenges of Democratically Decentralizing Forest Management in the Centre-West Region of Burkina Faso. Wiley Inter Science. Sust. Dev. (2009). DOI: 10.1002/sd.444.
Bouda ZH-N (2008) Textes et textes de loi sur la gestion des ressources naturelles au Burkina Faso. CIFOR (2008) Bogor. Indonésie. Book 148 pp.
Marunda C, Bouda ZH-N (2005) Baobabs for Burkina. CIFOR News (39) 4.
Bouda ZH-N, Nikiema A (1996) Etude de la Dynamique des peuplements de Parkia biglobosa Jacq. (Benth). CNSF, ISSN 1018-7065.