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A timber truck fully loaded with logs drives over a very simple wooden bridge in a forest.
© Thünen-Institut
A timber truck fully loaded with logs drives over a very simple wooden bridge in a forest.
Institute of

WF Forestry

Further news 2023 - 2014

Since mid-April, Pierre Herrmann strengthens our team in the working group Forests and Society.

A portrait of Pierre Herrmann and soft in the background floodplain forest.

The LaForeT project invites to its side event "Landscape Forestry in the Tropics: Science meets policy" at the World Forestry Congress in the Rep. of Korea. Save the date on May 2, 2022 12.30 pm to 2 pm KST.


Bracken (Pteridum arachnoideum) is an invasive fern inhibiting or slowing forest succession worldwide. To overcome arrested succession effective restoration interventions are necessary.

Cutout of a column graphic and soft in the background text pages.

Der Angriffskrieg Russlands gegen die Ukraine hat Auswirkungen auf die globale Versorgungssituation mit Lebensmitteln und Rohstoffen. Im Folgenden haben wir mögliche Effekte auf die Agrarmärkte, die Fischerei und die Holzmärkte skizziert.

Photos to agricultural markets of grain harvest, transport ships and large lumberyard.

The price development of wood and wooden products raises a lot of questions and unsettles stakeholders of the forestry and timber industries. In the industry podcast of proHol Baden-Württemberg, Joachim Hörrmann discusses with Dr. Susanne Iost.

An illustration of headsets.

Informal employment has been observed for decades and inevitably accompanies the formal economy globally, and it does not disappear to date along with economic growth. Particularly in developing countries, informal employment has increased beyond expectation.

A chainsaw is used to cut a tree trunk.

The findings from this study provide an improved understanding of the up-to-date challenges of remote sensing to map tropical forests accurately; the authors highlight the role of ground verification in establishing efficient forest monitoring systems, especially in areas where forest protection…

Clippings from various maps.

Tropenwald- und Artenschutz ist nur mit integrierter Entwicklung möglich, schreibt Vereinsbeirat Dr. Reiner Klingholz, ehemaliger Direktor des Berlin-Instituts für Bevölkerung und Entwicklung, in seinem Blog

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