Based on calculations conducted by the Thünen Institute of Market Analysis in 2013 the farmers’ share of consumers’ expenditure rose up to 25.4 %. This corresponds to an increase of 2.4 percentage points compared to the preceding year. Increases in producer prices for animal products are the main underlying driver of this development. For producer prices of meat, with the exception of poultry (-14%), the following price trends were observed: Beef +13%, cattle +10%, pork +8% and sheep +27%. At the same time, consumer prices for meat products only showed an average increase of 4%. Similar trends can be seen for milk. Producer prices in this product category increased by 21% with a corresponding increase in consumers’ expenditure of 4%.
At the Thünen Institute of Market Analysis calculations of farmers’ shares of consumers’ expenditure looks back on a long-standing tradition dating back to the 1970s. For these calculations we compare revenues from the domestic sale of German agricultural products for food purposes with the expenditures of German consumers for the final food product (i.e. after processing). This is done for the product categories bread, potatoes, sugar as well as meat/meat products, milk/ milk products and eggs. In 2012 revenues from these product categories amounted to about 50% of total producer revenues in German agriculture. Not accounted for are the product categories feed grain, horticulture and wine.
Links to Download:
Anteile der landwirtschaftlichen Erzeugererlöse an denVerbraucherausgaben für Nahrungsmittel in Deutschland:Aktualisiertes Konzept und Ergebnisse(PDF, 378KB, only in German)
Gestiegene Erzeugerpreise für tierische Erzeugnisse treiben den Erzeugeranteil nach oben(PDF, 148KB, only in German)